(this would be a good use of a poll feature if there was one, so users could respond anonymously)

I have not yet made use of Divvy but will very likely be perusing Denver's B-Cycle on an upcoming trip.... looking to travel light and not excited about dragging a helmet along... plus the friend I'm going with doesn't own one as far as I know.

So are you generally carrying a helmet around with you? Or have you just got comfortable going without? Or some other solution I am not touching on?


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For the past several weeks, I've traded my twice daily $2.25 two-bus half-hour CTA ride from the Clybourn Metra station to my job out on Goose Island for two relatively pleasant* no-extra-cost 10-minute Divvy rides.  Haven't used a helmet yet.  I know I'm risking my health and life by riding bare headed, so I'm probably going to start carrying my helmet in my ginormous backpack that could easily carry it inside the pack or at worst clipped to the outside.  No excuses.  I've just been a slug when it comes to carrying a helmet to a Divvy station.  This thread reminds me to do better for myself come Monday.


*Except for North Avenue from Elston to Cherry--that just stinks at rush hour.

So far I have used it when I had my helmet anyway.  I will always bring my helmet if I am planning to use Divvy.  

Research has shown that cars keep a greater distance from bikes whose riders are not wearing a helmet, so it would seem safer from one perspective.  However, the helmets are not just for being struck by a car - you could get just as injured falling or being doored.  And the most serious head injuries and lethal accidents are hugely more prevalent if you are are not wearing your helmet.  So I would say just clip it onto your backpack if you ever plan to use a Divvy that day.  The more those stations appear around the city, we may be carrying our helmets more than ever - almost as much as you see people carrying their yoga mats around town!

I've been in pretty much the same camp as Thunder Snow and Jeff.  If I have my helmet with me (e.g. lunchtime Divvy trips on days I rode my bike to work, or after dropping my bike off at the shop), then I'll wear it, but if I need to get somewhere and don't have the helmet, then that hasn't deterred me.  Not proud to say it, since I'm a devout helmet-wearer, but that's how I've done it so far.  

I'm considering getting a second helmet to keep at my office; that and my regular one would probably cover me at least 90% of the time.  

I've been bringing my helmet along with me to use Divvy. I'm not sure what I would use Divvy helmet-less. I feel some inclination to do so because the bikes seem so clunky/safe, but I'm not sure.

I've not worn a helment a few times riding Divvy, and my wife has given me loads of grief over it. I'll be bringing it with my from now on, either clipped to my backpack, or shoved into the expandable pocket.

I was about to say the same thing. There is nothing scientifically or statistically significant about some guy taking a few observations on his own rides.

h' 1.0 said:

Coach, I hate to always be picking on you, but this is bunk. There was no research-- just a mildly whacko British academician who ran a preliminary "trial'." The results are meaningless and I really really want the bike world to be smarter than referring to this goofball's press release as "research," or basing any informed opinions on his "finding."

SlowCoachOnTheRoad said:

Research has shown that cars keep a greater distance from bikes whose riders are not wearing a helmet

I'm guessing like a lot of similar laws it is probably not enforced but I thought divvy riders were required to wear helmets? I've seen plenty without but could have sworn that was part of the announcement, no?


Thedutchtouch said:

I'm guessing like a lot of similar laws it is probably not enforced but I thought divvy riders were required to wear helmets? I've seen plenty without but could have sworn that was part of the announcement, no?
Him must have been confused. Quick google says "encouraged but not provided"

While I normally wear a helmet when on a bike, I'm going without on my Divvy rides.  I want that true Copenhagen feel.  Indeed, I often wear clogs when getting on a Divvy.

I wear a helmet of Jewish guilt when I Divvy, as I've yet to have a helmet with me when I've been on a Divvy ride... and I've used it at least a dozen times since launch.


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