I wanted something to hold my bike while I'm working/repairing it, instead of having it turned sideways or upside-down.

Any thoughts on which you've used before? Why?

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This is good information to know.  I'll have to check it out.  It's great that there are alternatives out there in the best and most economical stands.  Competition is good.  I'll have to pass this information on to folks the next time I am asked about stands. 

Park makes good stuff -but it's super-awesome that there are other alternatives too.  It only makes the products better all-around for everyone!

Just Will said:

All Kozy's locations have both Feedback Sports and they are the same price as online.

I may end up getting the Feedback Sports Mechanic Stand just because they have it in stock.

Vando said:

Are there any LBS that have any stands in stock though? I've been looking into getting one too, but I'd like to look at one in person before pulling the trigger.

Feedback Sports bought the bike stand line from Ultimate.  

I've had an Ultimate Pro, which would equal the Feedback Pro Classic stand, for 13 years now.  It's been on 8 Ragbrai's and works as well as when I bought it.

There isn't a Park stand that I'd consider buying.  Their clamps are nice but quite honestly, the legs suck.

Feedback Sports all the way! I spent an entire Interbike one year shaking and testing everyone's(Park, Pedro, etc.) stands and they came away the winner. I have a Feedback Pro with no regrets. The auto release ratchet feature was worth the extra cash. 

I made a 2 x 4 bike stand and used it for about a year....  It was aggravating... Finally I purchased a Park PCS 9  for about $100...and it makes working on bikes so much fun.  Holds the bike stable and at whatever positition, angle or height I want.  I've used it with a folding bike, a crank forward (recumbent style bike), old Schwinn 10 speed., Raleigh Hybrid and even a tandem.  All work perfect (well the tandem not quite perfect but acceptable).  You won't regret it if you purchase a Park bike stand....

Just got a Feedback Sports stand as a gift. About to set it up and install some new wheels! 

and about time, too!  You've had them three whole days! LOL


I have a Feedback Pro Elite and it's great.  Besides I like red better than blue.

+1 on the PCS-9

I was just helping a friend last week on her PCS-10 and frustratingly getting annoyed by the "quick" release clamp.  By the time you futz around with it to change the tension setting I could have had my PCS-9 screwed tight and loose again 3 times.  I suppose it would be OK if you always clamped it to the same size tube -otherwise not so much.  

I played with different brands and models including the PCS-9 and 10 and ended up getting the Feedback Pro Elite and have been extremely happy with it.

James BlackHeron said:

I was just helping a friend last week on her PCS-10 and frustratingly getting annoyed by the "quick" release clamp.  By the time you futz around with it to change the tension setting I could have had my PCS-9 screwed tight and loose again 3 times.  I suppose it would be OK if you always clamped it to the same size tube -otherwise not so much.  

I also ended up going with Feedback, but I got the Sport-Mechanic, one level below the Pro-Elite. I'm very happy with it, the build quality is great and it works beautifully.

After asking around, I got the Spin Doctor Pro G3 Work Stand for my boyfriend for christmas on the advice from a fellow chainlinker that the tri-pod leg set up would be more stable with heavy or awkwardly loaded bikes.  

So far Cam has been pretty happy with it. 



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