Hi all--

I am certain that Gin is following my blog at Bikewinter.org.  If anyone else is, here's my fond adieu to winter. In this LONG and sorta boring (and a tiny bit funny) post I re-cap some stuff for you just so that the story has an end.

Of course, on a blissful day like today, one can't help but see it as the beginning of bicycle cycling season. Hooray, people! It's finally really Spring.




It's been a fun ride this winter. If you've been following the blog--thanks! I hope my story of my first winter cycling in Chicago inspires you to do the same next year.




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What a crappy weekend. I didn't go anywhere on my bike. If I have to go back to "work" on the bike winter blog, I will, but damn it...I thought we were in the clear. The weather this weekend stunk.


I will have you know, I blame this major cold front on all the people out there who complained about the sunny 80º weather this past Thursday. It's  your fault it got crappy outside. (Incidentally, my hypothesis that grumbling might in some way affect the actual weather, doesn't work when you grumble about cold weather. It only works when you complain about being too hot. Ha ha.)


Can we just agree that a solid 67º-73º for a whole week would be fine?


Agreed.  That is my sweet spot for temperatures.  


How about it, Mother Nature?


Holly said:


Can we just agree that a solid 67º-73º for a whole week would be fine? 


I thought the stretch of 80° was pretty darned appealing.
Hey! Winter is over?

Ace--I ran into my friend on the boulevard while walking my dog late last night. I believe my exact words were, "What the f*ck? It's June and I have on a parka."


At least it's warmer outside right now. Last night was just wrong.


Sheesh, Holly, you could've kept your blog going until even now.  This may be "no summer" year  ';-(


It would be an extreme exaggeration to say I biked more last Winter than all of Spring and Summer, but if I counted the days individually, I'd have to wonder.


Keep in mind that I don't ride on rainy days. It's just not fun to bicycle and walk all those dogs in the rain. It's an either/or no-win situation for me. Since work isn't optional, I usually drive. And that pretty much sucks ass, btw. (Am I allowed to say that?)


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