Hi all--
I am certain that Gin is following my blog at Bikewinter.org. If anyone else is, here's my fond adieu to winter. In this LONG and sorta boring (and a tiny bit funny) post I re-cap some stuff for you just so that the story has an end.
Of course, on a blissful day like today, one can't help but see it as the beginning of bicycle cycling season. Hooray, people! It's finally really Spring.
It's been a fun ride this winter. If you've been following the blog--thanks! I hope my story of my first winter cycling in Chicago inspires you to do the same next year.
Thanks, Kevin. I appreciate the encouragement.
I do hope the blog was instructive and somewhat insightful for anyone who might be on the fence about biking in the winter. Believe it or not, I already have some kind of nostalgia surrounding my first winter riding. Sure, I had a lot of "whatever/so-so days," a few terrible days of "why am I doing this again?", but the days that were great, were exceptional. That's not just because I was on my bike, it's because I was on a bike and it was winter.
I am really glad I've got this under my belt. I hope a new rider does the blog again next year. I imagine it might be the sort of thing that's more fun to read than write.
Hey now. . . :)
Whatever it takes to help more people stay in the saddle. I think this will be useful for start up efforts next year. Thank you, Holly, for all your work and words. Now, let's soak up some heat and humidity. (You'll never hear me complaining about too hot, BW boosterism aside.)
Here's to wool, fenders, free lights and buns of steel!
Thank you, Gin. I really appreciate all of your support with this project.
Now, if only you could get abs of steel from blogging about winter bicycling.
Hi Mark -- It's been so nice "meeting" you via the blog. I hope to see you and your crew at CCM this month. Thanks for being so friendly and encouraging. We made it through the winter...yahoo! I think you had a lot more trials and tribulations than I did because here in Chicago, they tend to clear that snow fast.
Judy--I agree--it was really nice to have that quiet time to ride in the winter. I'm going to try to look at the increased number of riders in the summer as a positive thing because we're more visible when there are so many people riding. (Let's hope my attitude towards people sticks when I'm faced with the shoalers and the folks who can't seem to remember that you pass on the left side, not the ride side.)
I'm going to do some gardening today, but my bike does seem to be calling out for attention, so maybe I'll fit a ride in today. It's is absolutely gorgeous outside!
43 this morning and a 20-30 mph wind. I can't wait until mid May when it's nice and warm out.
Ace Mann said:
Damn it's cold out
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