Hey All. Had a great time at the swap this weekend. Met some awesome people and generally enjoyed the day a ton. Though I totally forgot my camera! I want to post some thoughts on my blog and would love to have some pics to add --- also would love to help promote some of the sellers with people I'm connected with.

If anyone has any shots they'd be willing to share I'd be greatly grateful.


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Next year for the urban bike swap, we need a place a bit larger with better lighting. Loved rubbing shoulders with the cycling community, however. Thanks for all who organized this one and make it a go.
Thanks!! All of the larger venues we looked at had price tags starting in the $5-800 range.
We looked at schools, we looked at private sports complexes; even park district fieldhouses are demanding the big bucks now due to the economic shambles the city is in.
The good news is that after this year's success we are poised to be able to pay for most of the venues we explored this year before Jaks came along; would much rather be able to give that money back to the bike community though, so any help is appreciated tracking down a suitable venue for next year-- we've got such a vast network of people from all walks of life that I know there's a connection to an ideal space out there.

David Travis said:
Next year for the urban bike swap, we need a place a bit larger with better lighting. Loved rubbing shoulders with the cycling community, however. Thanks for all who organized this one and make it a go.
Here's the set Don Sorsa announced on the CCM list:

Will grab a few of the best and plug them in here tonight when I'm on a real computer.


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