Not sure how my cat got press since he didn't cut anything, but he did model a new scarf.

Here is the article.

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Go Tony, Willow and John too!
That cat is a cutie with her very own balaclava!
Ha, nice!
Yeah just trying kick back. Thanks it just comes natural...

Duppie said:
That cat is a cutie with her very own balaclava!
It was very hard ,But somebody had to do it.
See exciting to see the production explosion! The old balaclava pattern is in good hands. Thanks.
I love the expression the cat's face!

2. Thanks for posting this Julie! (and congrats on the press). Consider me inspired. Here is my problem: I have the largest (human) head on planet. It is > than a size 8. Finding helmets that fit is nearly impossible. Solving the what to wear in winter under the helmet that barely fits is even harder. For me, what gets cold is my giant forehead getting blasted by the wind*, and to a lesser extent, my ears. I run really hot, so even on the coldest days I don't really need anything on the top of my head. A headband has been my solution, and it works, but the cheap $5 knit things one can get at dollar stores let too much wind through. The fancy $20 versions at bike shops or REI or whatever all run too small and of course, I lose a couple a year, which, at $20 a pop is pretty painful.

I need to make my own headband(s)! But fleece seems to be both too bulky for my giant head and barely large enough helmet and not sufficiently windproof.

Any suggestions for fabric? (As a south-sider, I'm partial to the fabric stores on Roosevelt or that treasure trove on 21st Street in Pilsen.)

*anyone else get a headache from cold wind on the forehead?
I saw that! Congrats!
Rami is ready for the next fleece cutting party at his house, Sunday, November 20, 2011.    Calendar Event here.


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