I'm trying to get a bike trailer lending program started. I will soon be organizing a meeting, but thought I'd also seek feedback here. The basic idea is to somehow aquire a trailer and make it available to others to borrow. We are located in a building with 24/7 front desk staffing which would make it great for lending the trailer. Here are some of the things I need feedback on:
Is a program of this type needed?
All-you-can use membership or per-use fees?
We need to charge to cover costs of maintaining/purchasing trailers, what is a reasonable amount?
Types of trailers that would be most useful (heavy duty, grocery, kids?)
Suggestions on where to buy/find a trailer
One hitch that transfers between bikes, or multiple cheaper hitches that we can give out with memberships (if we go that route).
Experiences you've had with different brands/homemade rigs
How do we ensure the trailer comes back (and in one piece)?
Ideas for a reservation system?
Any other advice you have?

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Just curious, this thread is over 2 years old, but is there anywhere to hire trailers?

I used to have one in Europe, but not sure how long I will be living in Chicago so i don't really want to buy.

I just moved to Forest Park and am looking to move a few items, I would much prefer the bike trailer option if that's possible. What is the 'Rapid Transit' mentioned in an earlier post?


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