I have seen this idea floated before, but to my knowledge it has not been done. Understand that I don't necessarily condone this, nor is my bringing the idea up mean I would participate. It is however an intriguing idea, and worthy of discussion. While the police in a few other cities have undertaken this, it does not seem likely that our local constabulary will be inclined to dedicate the necessary resources anytime in the foreseeable future. Should private citizens take this upon ourselves?

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I could not restrain myself from attempting to bring physical harm on the perpertraitor. I believe many others may feel the same. Maybe it is a good idea, just not for me. I will leave the other zillion ways to you. I do think some good could be done with this.
Did I mention my idea of rendering oposing thumbs permanently inoperable?
What kind of ideas you got?
I already have a plan for this summer and have posted it on the rattyrantlist. Send me a note offlist.
I'd like to know other ways too.
Aside from now owning 2 U-locks and a chain.
Not sure what else to do.
Howard I am not suggesting subduing/injuring a thief, If I were involved their injury would be a certainty, regardless of the subduing part.
No my well being nor anyone else's is worth a bike. That is why I will not be involved in this.
Back in the day a horse thief was hung. I think a good maiming is adequate.
RP discussion? You lost me on that one. And I don't think any one's well being is justified for a bike. Just wanted to clarify a typo in my previous post.
And please don't call me Marty. I F@#$%^& hate that name.
Martin, or Mart, or "safety" or Hazard or Bob, I don't care, for the love of god just not Marty.

h3 said:
Wow, I probably should have read your initial post, huh? :-)

I am all for private citizens studying the problem. Damned hard to line up anyone who's actually willing to devote some time. Greg Davies went with me to swap-o-rama to check things out one morning, but he's an exception. Marty, you can't share anything about the RP discussion here?
a broken chain link would prevent the theif from getting far and they would have to drop the bike. they would leave fingerprints or you could record video or follow from a far while staying on the cell with the 50.
we can record video up close and with all our friends close by. I already have a plan of action that will provide plenty of entertainment value. Anyone interested, send me a note off list if you are going to be available this spring/summer for the fun !!! Forget the cops, they don't need to be involved.
During the mid 90's, one member of the CPD, officer Rimkus had this same novel idea. He set a mountain bike out unlocked downtown. The taker easily eluded initial capture and lead the chase down an offramp onto the Dan Ryan highway then over to the Robert Taylor homes by 35th and State. When the cops finally cornered him like a rat in a cage. He jumped out the 6th floor and broke his ankle. All while the TV news magazine was filming the cops tossing him into a squad without care to his injuries. Case did not stand. Entrapment. Rimkus did not have permission for this escapade and was demoted. I doubt that you can find another cop dumb enough to go along with any scheme.
Hey, a bike sting is part of the Bike 2015 plan. The plan suggests using bikes with GPS locators. Might want to check with the Active Transportation Alliance whether this ever got off the ground.
Coat the bike with UV-powder. Theif takes bike, gets powder all over hands, run blacklight over hands, hands glow bright green! HAHAHAHA. Who the hell cares if the thief gets injured while committing a crime? The creep deserves what he gets. Take a survey Martin of how many Chainlink members have had a bike stolen in the last five years and see if the care about the theifs rights. This would be a nice way of having a group outing filming some bike thiefs in action for the police. Get about 300-600 people and it could get very interesting. What are you going to be using as "bait"? Some theifs are very particulare at what they will take. Also make sure everyone has phones along with radios and what are the rules of engagement will be. I did this a few years ago in Kenosha with some friends. A few places where known areas that we had bikes either messed with or stolen at. It got real interesting when the group of kids we caught doing this and got it on video. They were surprised when we waited for them. We asked for our rides back, if they did not comply it was either goiing to be an ass-whipping for them, cops were coming to visit, or the kids parents were going to get called. Had it come to an ass-whipping, it would have been 12 against 5 little punks. We got back all of our stolen bikes, the kids names also, and were they lived. The kids did not know who they stole from and what we were going to do to them. The cops never got involved to arrest these kids and the other bikes that were stolen were given to the police by my friends as found bikes. We put the fear of God into to these punks. I never found out if they re-offended but I can tell you they never took any of our rides! They jacked 50 rides in as little as 2 months. The kids kept the bikes as trophys. They stole the bikes but never chopped them, sold them or broke any of them. The kids took mostly BMX rides, mountain bikes, and anything that looked cool. These kids were also weathly, and spoiled, not your typical crackhead, or street ho' or inner city scumbag needing money to get a fix. Go fiqure


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