I'm wondering if anybody has some guidance regarding financial compensation for stolen bikes. A friend of mine recently had a sweet ride stolen on Logan Blvd and it has got me thinking about ways to protect my own bike investments. I know most better U-locks carry some theft protection, but I have never heard a story of someone successfully making a claim (besides in the recent case, the bike was locked securely to a wrought iron fence which was cut in several places to remove the bike - the lock went with it). Obviously, the best protection is to lock securely, not park outside overnight, and ride a beater. But when all precautions fail, what do folks do? I've read that many renter's insurance policies cover the bike as a matter of personal property protection. Does anybody have experience recovering some of their loss in this fashion?

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If you have home owners insurance it cover's bike theft (where ever the theft occurs). SO does renters insurance.
yea it usually comes under sporting goods, but I'd double check that the policy covers thefts outside of your home.
Renter Insurance for me is $114 a year. I have a $100 deductible, and the insurance covers replacement cost. It's worth the price to me for a bit of security. I've had two cycles swiped and claimed both. I had to send in the police report and an estimate from bike shop for replacement cost. My insurance company sent a check, minus deduction, for the whole estimate -- bicycle, lock, lights, after-market rack. Two claims in five years that were fully paid. No rate raise. [Important I say I used Rent Insurance and not Home Insurance.]
ride a recumbent bike, no thief would want to look that dumb.
What insurance company do you have that has such a low deductible?

Jen said:
Renter Insurance for me is $114 a year. I have a $100 deductible, and the insurance covers replacement cost. It's worth the price to me for a bit of security. I've had two cycles swiped and claimed both. I had to send in the police report and an estimate from bike shop for replacement cost. My insurance company sent a check, minus deduction, for the whole estimate -- bicycle, lock, lights, after-market rack. Two claims in five years that were fully paid. No rate raise. [Important I say I used Rent Insurance and not Home Insurance.]
Jen says it's USAA

XV said:
What insurance company do you have that has such a low deductible?

Jen said:
Renter Insurance for me is $114 a year. I have a $100 deductible, and the insurance covers replacement cost. It's worth the price to me for a bit of security. I've had two cycles swiped and claimed both. I had to send in the police report and an estimate from bike shop for replacement cost. My insurance company sent a check, minus deduction, for the whole estimate -- bicycle, lock, lights, after-market rack. Two claims in five years that were fully paid. No rate raise. [Important I say I used Rent Insurance and not Home Insurance.]
Some, not all, credit cards will cover a purchase for 1 year after purchase on that card. Also requires you file a claim on homeowners / renters insurance. Also, some homeowners / renters insurance have a cap on the value of some categories of items covered. Jewelry / bicycles / other sporting equipment. If there is a cap, you can usually get a rider for additional coverage for additional cost.
Thanks all for the great information! I'll look into to that insurance company and see what the deal is. Good advice on the additional coverage rider, Mike!


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