Democracy loving cyclists can make a big difference in Illinois by helping out in a close race to support a friend of cycling.  A little effort in the next week or so will make a big difference.  The state
legislature is a big deal.  Carol Sente (D-59)
successfully sponsored legislation that increases penalties for motorists that
recklessly endanger cyclists.  She is
running to continue to represent 22 communities around Buffalo Grove, Lake
Forest, Libertyville, Lincolnshire, Mundelein, North Chicago,  Northbrook, Vernon Hills, Waukegan and

No matter where you live you can help out.  Most needed are people to phone bank.  It’s also helpful just to call friends and acquaintances in the district and ask them to get out and vote for Carol.  If you don’t have time, money helps, even small amounts.  Go to the website:

It would be great if Carol could continue to provide leadership for healthy communities in Northern Cook, Central Lake and across Illinois.  Just do a little

Randy Neufeld 

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Thanks for the head's up, Randy.

Just read something about the mayor's race in Toronto, which talks about neither candidate supporting cycling. According to the article, the leading candidate, Rob Ford, says "I can't support bike lanes. Roads are built for buses, cars, and trucks. My heart bleeds when someone gets killed, but it's their own fault at the end of the day."

We can't take anything for granted; sometimes we work to make things better, sometimes we have to work to keep things from getting worse. The people we elect to public office often are the difference.


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