I know its my fault, but my bike was stolen yesterday in Evanston and I am SO SAD about it.
I have a picture, but its at home and Im at work, I will post soon. Its a brown surly and has a front orange rim and green rear. It has a crocheted top tube decoration, orange. Built for me by Markus of Yojimbos. Very special and dear to me. Please be on the lookout!!!

If you have any info please call 503-317-4501 or email sara@saratonin.com

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tho im much farther south than evanston, ill keep a look out
THANK YOU, I submitted the form. very helpful!

h3 said:
Sorry about your bike. Please post a listing here:
It will be indexed by google in minutes, allow others to contact you quickly in a potential sighting, and also allow other cyclists to learn from your misfortune and maybe avoid the same fate.
check craigslist for the sale of you bike.

You should hit up the pawn shops and second hand bike shops by your house asap. A lot of times the people that boost bikes want to turn a fast profit and will try and ditch it quickly for a fast buck. I found my stolen bike by asking around the neighborhood bike shops. Its not your fault the bike was stolen. It was the scum bag who stole its fault. Don't give up and don't blame yourself.

so sorry Sara. My bike was stolen last week. I feel your pain, I am also SO SAD!!
Sara, sorry to hear about this.
1 - it wasn't your fault.

2 - I hope you filed a police report, in case you or someone else tries to recover it, it will be a useful record.

Thanks, I did file the report! I will keep the hope alive for now, and I appreciate all your support!

Ian said:
Sara, sorry to hear about this.
1 - it wasn't your fault.

2 - I hope you filed a police report, in case you or someone else tries to recover it, it will be a useful record.


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