So, I've been tinkering around with the idea of adding a stereo to my chopper bike for bike rides.

A fellow from chicago posted an instructable which seems pretty cool, but not as loud as I'd like. I really don't want to pull an additional 50 lbs of weight (my chopper is a stretch).

Here is his link:

Anyone else have ideas?

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I have used computer speakers and the sound got drowned out. I am looking for a bit louder. I have seen those little speakers too, not loud enough unfortunately.
You have some bad-ass bikes Ammo. As for the sound set up, I-pod speakers may work and or amplied radio mikes that the cops use. These are small and can be had for cheap. I would try a RadioShack or mail order site for eletronics. On my crusier I run this setup. The speakers have clips that hook on to some old light brackets. This makes for a pretty clean setup with the I-pod. Good luck.
Have you seen this set-up? Seems to get great reviews... and be loud enough.
The bike I want to set up is my stretch chopper. I don't know anything about setting up these things. I need help!

h3 said:
Volume requires weight, unfortunately, although beating physics is a noble pursuit.
I probably have everything you need in terms of materials, so does Alex.
I own several of the little class D amps in the linked instructibles but regret the purchase as the resultant sound is not up to my standards.
I don't think you're going to be happy with =any= computer speakers, sorry.
For small, light and good sound, I'd set some small bookshelf speakers, a pair of 7 amp-hour sealed lead acid batteries in parallel, and a small car amplifier as the minimum equipment.
I'm also in posession of a pair or two of 2-way boxes that I think you'd like (they are faily flat and could ride like panniers).

Ammo, do you have a particular bike that you would like to set up?

I heard of this, but it is not that loud. I am looking to be heard, but not disruptive.

E A said:
Have you seen this set-up? Seems to get great reviews... and be loud enough.
Just to inform everyone. This is not for just me. This is geared toward group rides, like Mass and my bike club rides. Trust me, it is safe.
I'm not sure about this, but haven't people been ticketed for louder stereo systems like this? I know they do it for car stereos, but do they also ticket if the stereo is on your bike?
If you're going to do it, do it right.......
Hello Ammo, I had another I idea since you mentioned group rides like Mass and such. Up here in Kenosha we have a bike club called Handlebars and Bars. We go around riding bikes and drinking usual on Fridays or Saturdays when it it nice out. The one member has a trike that is chopped down and has some good sized ape hangers like you have. He modifed a grocercy basket on the back to make a decent sound system. He used a Bosch power box and some other goodies. The power box is not that cheap but can be found at places like Lowes or Home Depot. It has decent noise out put and you can run a mp3 and CD's on it. As for your chopper, get a back cargo rack and mount some saddle bags. Put the speakers in the saddle bags and on top, build your componets on the rack. This will be a good winter project until mother nature quits been such a bitch. As for getting a ticket by the cops for noise, the city has bigger problems like people shooting each other and crooked public officals.

Ammo said:
Just to inform everyone. This is not for just me. This is geared toward group rides, like Mass and my bike club rides. Trust me, it is safe.
For me, I don't care what or how it's built, I just want the tunes =) I don't have a rear rack, how big is it?
h3 said:
Jim said:
Hello Ammo, I had another I idea since you mentioned group rides like Mass and such. Up here in Kenosha we have a bike club called Handlebars and Bars. We go around riding bikes and drinking usual on Fridays or Saturdays when it it nice out. The one member has a trike that is chopped down and has some good sized ape hangers like you have. He modifed a grocercy basket on the back to make a decent sound system. He used a Bosch power box and some other goodies. The power box is not that cheap but can be found at places like Lowes or Home Depot. It has decent noise out put and you can run a mp3 and CD's on it. As for your chopper, get a back cargo rack and mount some saddle bags. Put the speakers in the saddle bags and on top, build your componets on the rack. This will be a good winter project until mother nature quits been such a bitch. As for getting a ticket by the cops for noise, the city has bigger problems like people shooting each other and crooked public officals.
Ammo said:
Just to inform everyone. This is not for just me. This is geared toward group rides, like Mass and my bike club rides. Trust me, it is safe.

If you do have a decent rear rack on that thing I have some already-made rack systems that aren't getting used, no need to support Home Depot . . .
but I think your original desire was to build something =in= to the chopper?
hahah yes

h3 said:
This be the bike you want to put it on?

Ammo, Does your chopper have a backrest? It maybe possble to tinker with it that way. Have to think about this. Also what size wheels do you run on that sweet thing? Are these 24" or 20"? What size on the tires? 2.3 or 2.5's? Thanks

h3 said:
Ammo said:
hahah yes
h3 said:
This be the bike you want to put it on?

Tough one. About the only safe option I can think of is to see if a "shelf" can be installed hanging out beyond the back of the seat that can hold a med-small system.


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