Hi all,
     We researchers at Department of urology, College of medicine, UIC is looking for volunteers to participate in bike seat research study. We are testing the effects of bike seats on Men's perineal blood flow ( the region where major arteries supplying vital genital organs are located). We are testing about six different seat designs commonly used by bicyclists ranging from the standard design to most popular nose less designs. Our study involves a visit to the Ultrasound lab to determine the normal blood flow in the perineal region. This procedure is completely non invasive and as simple as any normal Ultrasound scan. The test is done by ultrasound technician under direct supervision of a doctor present inside the room. After that subjects are asked to ride a normal road bike using the six different seats with our device ( which weighs < 0.5lbs) on camel backpack. Our device records the pressure data from the perinium using special flexiforce sensors attached to the perinium which are virtually unnoticeable.  The ride can be done on the road or at stationary bike in our lab. The volunteers can do both the rides ( road and stationary) on the same day or come back to do one of the rides in their comfortable time. But we need both the data to correlate. Our initial results points that riders occlude their arteries for about 70% of time in a ride and even the popular noseless seats are occluding about 40-60% in a ride. Our ultimate objective is to design a comfortable seat ( which can be used by recreational riders) and sports design( which can be used by bi cycling professionals) which are not occluding the arteries.So our goal is not to scare people off from bicycling but making bicycling more safer and to put more people on bicycles. But we need the data from existing seats to design our new seat. It will be greatly beneficial if you can circulate this mail among your group and interested persons can e mail me at sujeebe@gmail.com or can call me at 312 550 2830.

Sujeeth Parthiban
PhD student

Earlier we had riders who are interested in testing their own bikes , own seats and bike shorts. If you bring them we are more than happy to test them for you and send you the results.
As the research is in its preliminary stage, at present we are not able to compensate volunteers for their time. So we are turning to bicycle communities who are interested in safety of bicycles than others.( parking is provided free of cost for volunteers at UIC Hospital parking).

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I def will pass this along to some folks

Is this all a scam to sneak a peak at my junk and post pictures on the internet for fun and/or profit?


On the other hand this could be my chance to use my junk for not only science, but the good of all mankind.


Oh the choices, runaway ego or runaway paranoia...

Thank you very much Julie.

Julie Hochstadter said:
I def will pass this along to some folks
Sorry if you thought it is scam. But it is actual science research carried out at University of Illinois at Chicago. As I mentioned we have got Institutional review board approval for this study which means all our research subjects are protected by law.

notoriousDUG said:

Is this all a scam to sneak a peak at my junk and post pictures on the internet for fun and/or profit?


On the other hand this could be my chance to use my junk for not only science, but the good of all mankind.


Oh the choices, runaway ego or runaway paranoia...

Prior to asking to observe (and manipulate!) someone's perineal blood flow, it's customary to at least buy dinner. Just offering to pay for parking's a little crass.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess your PhD program does not have a course in sarcasm?

sujeebe said:
Sorry if you thought it is scam. But it is actual science research carried out at University of Illinois at Chicago. As I mentioned we have got Institutional review board approval for this study which means all our research subjects are protected by law.

notoriousDUG said:

Is this all a scam to sneak a peak at my junk and post pictures on the internet for fun and/or profit?


On the other hand this could be my chance to use my junk for not only science, but the good of all mankind.


Oh the choices, runaway ego or runaway paranoia...

I would be interested in helping with this study, please send me some more info

LOL - or the crazy world of the chainlink.  


I guess I'll say half of what Julie said above and go with "I will pass..." and leave it at that.  I and my perineal region are extremely happy with my Brooks and will be sticking to it -and don't need a PhD research study to tell me that other seats are inferior...


I do wish the soon-to-be (hopefully) Dr. Parthiban and his stalwart study subjects a hearty good time and hope a lot of good science comes out of this.  It's money well spent if they can further the cause of perineal comfort.

notoriousDUG said:

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess your PhD program does not have a course in sarcasm?

A PhD program is like the military -- they break you down and build you back up.  Except they forget the second step.  If it weren't called education, it would be considered abuse.


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