Hey there - just wondering if it's cool to report a bike that's been left in the bike room at work for about a year. I commute to work and during the winter it was never an issue to have this bike in there, but now summer is here and the bike room is full. Someone is either using the room for storage... or the owner is dead or something.

What do you think? Should I report to the office admin and ask that they remove it or is that really dick'ish?

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If someone has to park outside because the stored bike is taking the spot of an active bike then you are not the one being dick'ish.
Our building did this recently after I contacted them and Working Bikes. There were a lot of bikes in the bike room collecting a lot of dust and hadn't moved for well over a year. I sent an email to my management company telling them about Working Bikes Coop and pitched it as it saving the management company money by working with them. It was within a week that we received notices about bike removal and the process to make sure a bike wasn't removed if you owned it. There is a ton of space in out bike room now.

By doing this the bikes are going to a great cause and not ending up in a landfill or something either.

h3 said:
Great question!
Workingbikes.org gets some of its best donations via regular arrangements with buildings with bike rooms-- what they should do is tag the bikes as being up for removal after a certain date if mgmt is not contacted, and then it would be cool if you could make the Working Bikes connection.
No building or office management should ever be encouraged to just "remove" bikes-- there are already too many that take way too much liberty with this. And a good 25% of reports received at the Chicago Stolen Bike Registry are bikes removed from such storage areas.

You may find that nobody has really been degniated at your workplace as being responsible for this storage area-- maybe you could get them to put you quasi "in charge" of it.
chop it or give it to someone who needs it, just don't tell anyone.

Take it to Working Bikes or give it away.

Now that is some good reading. Thanks Marty.

cutifly said:
chop it or give it to someone who needs it, just don't tell anyone.

Update: Apparently my building does not have anything specific about bike storage in it's lease agreement. The room is not 'intended' to be used as a storage facility, but there is no wordage saying you can not. The bike IS owned by a living, breathing, paying person who just doesn't ride his bike and prefers to keep it here and doesn't give a rats-ass about others.

Management told me the owner is current in his lease. I have a feeling he is one of the big-wigs in the building and there isn't a chance that they would kick him out - even if I couldn't find a space. Well, at least I know.

Thanks for all your advice!


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