After several years of going on week long bike rides with my best and formerly most reliable bicycle vacation buddy, he is abandoning me this year (damn him) to finish the multitude of previously started but never quite finished projects on his humble suburban house so he can eventually sell it for a somewhat less substantial loss than would otherwise be the case and completely abandon me altogether in a year or so, at least during the winters when he plans to be getting skin cancer and going for early bird dinner specials with other no longer working and not so young people in Florida.

Thus, for the first time in a long time, I find myself without any plans for a week long bike ride. I'm not committed yet, but I'm thinking of perhaps maybe possibly (not really sure yet) signing up to ride the 25th annual BRAT (Bike Ride Across Tennessee) Fall Tour which runs from 9/14/14 to 9/21/14. Info can be found at:

Has anyone done this ride? Is anyone interested in maybe going?

Despite having the word "across" in the name, the ride starts and ends in the same place. So, logistically, it is easy to drive there, ride, and drive home with stops along the way through all of the scenic garden spots to be found between here and there. Please be advised in advance that I refuse to dine at Cracker Barrel so dining options may be somewhat limited on the way there and back.

The ride costs $400 and includes breakfasts and dinners as well as baggage transport and on route support. Their included meals provide a vegetarian option. Tent setup and take down services are not included (but apparently can be purchased, I kid you not, from an organization known as Bubbas Pampered Pedalers for an extra fee if that is your kind of thing).

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Hi Sol!

I can't go myself this year but was just talking to someone about the ride.  I'll see what her plans are and let you know.  I'm sure TN is beautiful at that time of year.

Not this year but maybe next


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