Listing and recovery story:

Theft in action:

Craigslist ad:

Seller info as per victim:

Name: Kirk Gxxxxxx
Phone:             773-621-5936      
Address: xxxxxxxx, Chicago, IL
Description: white male, approx 6'0'', approx 40 YO, pony tail
(edit-- info removed-- contact me if you need it.)
My guess is that the seller hits our favorite cesspool at 41st/Ashland early and often and keeps the thieves/fences in business.
Seller gets his money, victim ends up paying buyer, no legal consequences to anyone.
Stinks to high heaven.

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I called seller to see if I could find out where he got the bike-- couldn't tell if it was a connection problem or if I was hung up on but it any event it would be great if people could keep an eye on his listings-- Googling his number brings up =a lot.=

A few more of his current listings:

Bicycle theft is horrible. People become sentimentally attached to their rides. I think the police detectives should buy the most expensive carbon fiber bicycle there is, lock it with a cable and padlock, or not at all and then lie in wait. Felony grand theft, bicycle. The only other deturance would be if every man, woman and child had the bike of their choice. No need to buy, sell or steal.

I've never heard of Chicago police conducting a sting (generally bike theft is not considered important enough to make the cut for allocation of resources) but UIC police have done so as have several suburban police departments.

Douglas Iverson said:

Bicycle theft is horrible. People become sentimentally attached to their rides. I think the police detectives should buy the most expensive carbon fiber bicycle there is, lock it with a cable and padlock, or not at all and then lie in wait. Felony grand theft, bicycle. The only other deturance would be if every man, woman and child had the bike of their choice. No need to buy, sell or steal.

why not keep calling Kirk and jamming up his phone line, what an ass.

person states that he stood and watched the guy steal his bike and didn't do anything except call the cops. I don't get it.

Yeah, WTF is with that?

I would have clubbed the dude.

Laura said:

person states that he stood and watched the guy steal his bike and didn't do anything except call the cops. I don't get it.

I am not trying to be flip or snarky.  I doubt many people in Chicago would do anything to try to stop someone from trying to steal anything--not just one's bike.  Unfortunately, we never know what else the guy has besides the angle-grinder.
Laura said:

person states that he stood and watched the guy steal his bike and didn't do anything except call the cops. I don't get it.

I really doubt a bike thief is packing and willing to kill for a bike but even with that as a remote chance I would be willing to make them show it to me before I was willing to let them take my bike.

You don't even have to physically assault the theif.  Even a loud yell, "HEY BIKE THEIF!  HEY THIS GUY IS STEALING A BIKE!"  could have done something.  Unless you're too embarassed to yell.

I would have used pepper spray.


I chased down a purse snatcher on Clark St. a few years ago... what an adrenaline rush!


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