We are raffling off a pair of bicycles at our annual Jones Family Walk N Roll charity event on Saturday, September 17th.


One bike is a J. C. Higgins step through model from the early 60s and the other is a new Origin 8 framed fixed/single speed model. One ticket will win both bicycles.


Here is the link to the event:http://www.events.org/joneswalk

Click on the link on the left side of the site to purchase raffle tickets. The cost is $3 per chance, or 2 chances for $5.  On-line ticket sales will end Friday night, but tickets are available at the event on Saturday morning.  Drawing will be around 11 am, during the after-walk activities.  Winner need not be present.


NOTE: The Racketeers will be performing at the event!


And feel free to support the R"Eddie", Set, Zo! team - its all for a very good cause.

All funds raised at this event go to the PMD Foundation, which funds research and support for families effected by the rare genetic disease -Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease.


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One time bump for a good cause. 

On line raffle ticket purchasing ends at Midnight tonight, then can be bought at the Walk event on Saturday morning.

A few more pictures of the Raffle Prize.

That chainring is fantastic!


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