Anybody know if there are any bike racks at Navy Pier or are they only close by and not actually on the Pier? Thanks!

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There are plenty of bike racks at Navy Pier but I'm not sure how far down they go. Definitely a couple hundred yards in but maybe not the full distance. 

Thanks so much for the info Rich! Really appreciate it! :)

Thanks for the info h'! :)

If you're planning on seeing any sort of show, I have personal experience with employees being awesome about letting me leave my bike locked in an office or room. They're used to families needing safe places for gigantic strollers, so don't hesitate to ask!

There are racks on the pier, but they are on the north side - the parking garage side.

About halfway down, across from the Billy Goat, take the side hall south, and it leads out to a valet/smokers area with a couple of good-sized racks. Well lit, decent amount of folks coming and going, and a few cameras keep an eye on things (maybe?)

There may be more, but I rarely make it farther than the Billy Goat ;-)


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