Interesting evolution (?) of Critical Mass to Bike Party:

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Oh I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


it looks like a CCM. What are the differences?

CCM makes hockey skates.  (IOW, what's a "CCM"?)

T.K. 6.5 mi said:

it looks like a CCM. What are the differences?

Critical Mass! The extra 'C' is for Chicago.  (I should have just written Critical Mass)

They claim that it is more organized: "newer, safer, more traffic-friendly — and happier — last-Friday-of-every-month Baltimore Bike Party". But, also still the same: "Bike Party, by contrast, is gentle, ’60s-style protest/celebration. It’s theater, activism, bicycling, and social gathering all at once.".. "The monthly route gets shared with police, who occasionally help block traffic, but otherwise, it’s all very informal."

Sounds like CCM still. 

They did mention running a kickstarter to build a sound system for their rides....

Looks like nothing more than a rebranding.

Considering the only CCM ride I attend is the halloween one, this sounds like a blast.
What can I say? I like an excuse to dress up...

you can dress up for any CCM or dress down for the underwear ride thats usually the june one (i think)

Blatherskate said:

Considering the only CCM ride I attend is the halloween one, this sounds like a blast.
What can I say? I like an excuse to dress up...

Uh ... we used to call that Chicago Critical Mass, "Happy Friday!"


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