Does anyone have experience with leaving their bike at Midway Airport for a few days? iDVD it work out okay?

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Yep, I used to leave my bike at the Midway CTA Orange Line stop.  There is A LOT of biking parking there.  I wouldn't want to do it for more than a few days, but it always worked out ok for me.


y a j said:

Yep, I used to leave my bike at the Midway CTA Orange Line stop.  There is A LOT of biking parking there.  I wouldn't want to do it for more than a few days, but it always worked out ok for me.

I've also parked at the Orange Line. It's covered/indoors and relatively secure. You parking your Surley?

Yep.  I have to go out of town unexpectedly tomorrow and I think I'm going to ride down to Midway.

You're a brave man. Good luck. I'm curious as to how it goes. Safe travels and Happy TDay.

There are two bike parking areas: one in the CTA station's paid zone; the second is outside, away from where people walk or congregate (sheltered, though). 


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