Best letter to the editor ev-ar. It's from Philly, but still.

"I JUST READ another article on this bike-lane baloney - and I've had it
with the politicians in this city afraid to say to these single, no-kid
hipsters that bike lanes just don't fit on our streets."

"Letters: Just who do these insulting, childless hipster bike rider...

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Yowza! Because, you know, only single people without kids ride bikes. Once you reach a certain age and household number, the car fairies sweep in and convert your two wheels to four. I am glad the fairies missed our house.
This is awesome! ;-) I wanna frame it and put it on my wall! ;-)
I'm not single or childless, but I do think I'm better than this guy, because South Philly is probably the most loathsome place in the United States. Pretty sure the Army must have run some devolution experiments there at some point.

Bike lanes are an insult to Leah Neaderthal, the Chainlink founder, and her relatives? Weird, I know her and she never mentioned this bizarre sentiment.
Doom, you're whole family is in your delusional hipster childless yuppie mind. ;-) And Martin, I can't believe she feels that way after making this site. ;-)
Dude that's great! ;-) No tools required! ;-)
Are those guys holding up the number of fingers that they have left after playing darts?

Dr. Doom said:
I'm not single or childless, but I do think I'm better than this guy, because South Philly is probably the most loathsome place in the United States. Pretty sure the Army must have run some devolution experiments there at some point.

It's a punch press operators darts tourney! ;-)


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