Okay just a reminder this Friday 13th, Northside Critical Mass is happening around 6:30pm at Clark & Ridge. And once again it's time for your DJ, yours truly, Spencer 4 Hire to host Karaoke ON BIKES! Last year there were a lot of requests that I couldn't fulfill so if you have a song requests send it to karaoke@spencer4hire.info or leave it here.


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I 2nd that! (singing part)

Adriana said:
Well I can't sing for shit, but you must definitely have some Johnny Cash! Tool and Rancid too!
How about that Bicycle song by Queen.
Can we get any flashback 60's music?
the wanderer by Dion and the Belmonts (substitute bike for car)
and born to be wild
and the ballad of easy rider
Toni, I've got Bicycle Race by Queen.
Just to keep all the requests in one place-- the ones you asked me about earlier:

John Mellencamp - Jack and Diane ?

Hit Me With Your Best Shot - Pat Benatar
The Devil Went Down To Georgia - Charlie Daniels

And any Lady Gaga and Madonna you have.

Will start searching in a while.
Michael Jackson, Gladys Knight & The Pips
Nix on Tool, Rancid, and Lady Gaga. Can you give me song titles for the former two?
Also, can't find the Byrds.

Here's what I'm sending to Spencer:

Julie, that Gladys and the Pips is tough!

Julie Hochstadter said:
Michael Jackson, Gladys Knight & The Pips
Thanks H! Good stuff. I'm downloading about 21 gigs of tracks right now which will put me to about 64 gigs of Karaoke. That's about 1/3 the total number of Karaoke tracks available out there on the Internets. But it's getting increasingly more difficult to find shit that is being seeded so I doubt I will be able to get much more than that.
I can't sing for crap but i like Hot Chip!!!!
Tough? Midnight Train to Georgia can be a great duet.....

Joe TV said:
Julie, that Gladys and the Pips is tough!

Julie Hochstadter said:
Michael Jackson, Gladys Knight & The Pips


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