Hooray for Hideout!

I haven't made it to past B-I-Ms and have maybe a stupid question-- for the drive-in metaphor to really apply . . . . wouldn't people have to sit on their bikes and watch the movie? Is this what they do?

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"We'll have chairs and stools or you, but please feel free to bring snacks for the show. Just don't sneak in the beer - Hideout bar has you covered all night long."


Does anybody remember laughter?

I read that . . . suggests that people don't sit on their bikes.  In which case I don't get why it's called "bike in movie." I'd think cyclists would be welcome, and bicycle parking would be plentiful for any of their events?

I checked the link, but I didn't find what film(s) are being shown.  I'd think that "The Song Remains the Same" would likely be on the program, but didn't see any information that explained exactly what the program is.

I love, love The Song Remains The Same.  I've seen it more times that I can count (and perhaps a few times I just can't remember).  But that movie is of a single concert in 1973 at MSG.  This film must be different and I guess covers shows from Zep III to Physical Graffiti.  Anyway, should be cool.

I saw TSRTS when it was originally released.  I'm still not clear about what the program is for the bike-in.  There isn't much film/video of LZ available.   Is it portions of the "Led Zeppelin" DVD?

They're probably just going to hook an internet-connected computer up to a projector and click around Youtube.

"Oops, that clip is from 1969, sorry!!!!"

"Oops, that's a tribute band, sorrry!!!!"

"Sorry about the advertisement, it'll be over in a few seconds."

Hey . . . this is tomorrow!

So did you go Howard?  I actually bought the LZ dvd because of this thread. Haven't watched it yet though.

Looks like the rickshaw folks watched from atop their bike. They may have been the only true "bike-ins."


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