Hello all cyclists!

If anyone knows someone who could help me out over the next few weeks cutting and sewing caps could you steer them my way?  I can certainly pay them, and the time would be flexible.  I am going to sign on to be a vendor at the Handmade Bicycle Show in Denver but need some major help to get my stock ready in time!


-Erin, Kozie Prery Cycling Caps

You can call or text me at 779.875.1737

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I saw this, and thought I could help, but I am not good at either. I am sorry :( I may be able to help cut, but on a weekend, if that helps in any way.

That sounds like a great adventure, I have a friend named Joyce who has good amounts of experience in making cycling caps as she has graciously turned even a few of my old shirts into ones for me. You can find her here https://twitter.com/teenyrobots I know she's a busy gal but maybe she can help! :) Good luck!

Hey Erin...

I can help out. The only experience I have is cutting fleece for balaclavas though. Let me know what I can do to help.


Hi Erin,

I'd love to help out. I've got a pretty flexible schedule, so let me know when works best. 

I'll probably be best helping with the cutting, but I did at one point know my way around a sewing machine. It's been more than a couple years though. 



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