The Chainlink

So I tried searching the events page, but came up with nothing.

I live a few doors down from the pub, and it seems that for the past month or so, TONS of cyclists come to Ravenswood pub on Wednesdays. Anyone know what event this is? There have got to be close to 30 bikes locked up at the bar right now, so I'm guessing it's a pretty big get-together.

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Hmmm.... could it be softball season? I know a lot of softball players who ride to the field and then go to ravenswood pub after since its their sponsor.

haha, this makes me smile :) It's a kickball league.

That is extremely interesting. I had no idea kickball players also rode their bikes en masse. Awesome!

we have spies even in other sports:))

Jim S said:

That is extremely interesting. I had no idea kickball players also rode their bikes en masse. Awesome!

I didn't see the post until today, but why don't we just get a group together next Wednesday, ride over there for a beer and find out exactly what these mysterious cyclists are doing there? After imbibing in some liquid encouragement we could simply ask them what's going on--we could of course also ask them without first imbibing, but where is the fun in that?

It's a kickball league.  You're more than welcome to drop by on Wednesdays, but it does get pretty crowded, and the neighbors don't like people locking to their fences, or trees.  There's a big rack out front but it and the street signs on the block fill up pretty quickly.  Lots of us ride (I think at least 1/2 my team).  But hands off the food!  We work up an appetite. 

Sol - My friend Tim is on a team there.  We could go over and spy.  Maybe flyer some bikes with Chainlink bookmarks and stickers :))

Sol said:

I didn't see the post until today, but why don't we just get a group together next Wednesday, ride over there for a beer and find out exactly what these mysterious cyclists are doing there? After imbibing in some liquid encouragement we could simply ask them what's going on--we could of course also ask them without first imbibing, but where is the fun in that?


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