Lifted this article from the News feed at the bottom of the CL frontpage

I had heard about it, but not seen any detailed plan. Nice to see some artist impressions. Given the amount of bike/pedestrian traffic that crosses Grand and Illinois there it makes sense.
But what happened to the original idea to build a separate bridge to the east of LSD bridge?
What do you think?

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As a bridge engineer I've always been interested in a solution to this problem and looking at it, realized its a complex and expensive problem. The article says the new scheme will cost $80 million, which sounds about right. Cantilevering off the existing bridge will save a lot of money instead of building an independant bridge across the Chicago River. However, building a seperate bridghe would allow you to design a really cool looking bridge that would be the first one you see entering the mouth of the Chicago river. But I'd rather have anythign than what is there now. It really needs fixing, even at 7 AM during my morning commute that place is a clusterfuck.
They talk about it at every MBAC meeting, (Mayor Daley's Bicycle Advisory Council Meeting) next one is tomorrow.
I know, but I have an 8 to 5 job, so I won't be able to attend unless I take time off. Darn government hours.... Can I find transcripts of this meeting online?
someone does take minutes....if I go I can jot down some notes, but i'm not 100% at the moment. I have to say, it is worth it to take a half day for it if you can though.

Duppie said:
I know, but I have an 8 to 5 job, so I won't be able to attend unless I take time off. Darn government hours.... Can I find transcripts of this meeting online?
I don't think they transcribe the meetings, but if you friend MBAC on Facebook they will probably post notes there--they might also post to the Bike Program web site. I'd be happy to take notes but would not get a chance to type them up until Monday.

Duppie said:
I know, but I have an 8 to 5 job, so I won't be able to attend unless I take time off. Darn government hours.... Can I find transcripts of this meeting online?


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