My friend Sam and I are riding RAGBRAI this year for the first time and this past weekend we took a trip to Lake Geneva.  On the way, we went through Stearns Woods, which is super hilly and my friend wiped out at the bottom of one of them.  With the help of the nice folks at the LBS, his bike was put back into riding order fairly quickly and Sam rode the rest of the way to WI like a champ with blood slowly seeping out of his road rash, but with some first aid he's fine now.  However, a few parts on his bike are needing replacement ASAP. 

Ordinarily, I would just go to working bikes, but I don't really have the time this week during their hours of sales and it's a bit of a gamble as to what exactly I might find, so I am hoping some of you bike builders might have some used road parts that would fit the bill without breaking the bank.

Brake levers with hoods

Double crank set

Front derailleur

700c Rear wheel



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You need a lot more info here than you have posted in order to get the parts you need.  Please fill out the following details:

  • What kind of levers is he running?  Some will accept generic hoods, others need specific ones.
  • What is the crank arm length on the double?
  • What size chain rings will be acceptable?
  • What sort of BB interface does the crank arm need to be?
  • What clamp size on the front derailleur?
  • Top or bottom pull on the front derailleur?
  • What width wheel?
  • How many speed rear wheel and is it a freewheel or cassette?

Have him bring the bike by Rapid North and I can see what we have for them as well.  If you are not able to find used parts we can special order stuff in and get it here in time for RAGBRI.  Make it in today before noon and we can have the parts here by Tuesday and if the order is in before noon on Wednesday we can have them here by Thursday.

I second getting into a shop today, its going to be hard to get the specific parts you need from people who have random parts laying around.  


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