Apparently at 4:45 pm on AM 670, The Score, they were sayin some pretty nasty things. I've received a FB post and 3 texts. Sadly i was riding not driving so i couldn't tune in. Will check for a podcast later and report back. But in the mean while did anyone hear it first hand???

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Sadly it would appear ignoring will be the only choice unless someone heard it. The site goes hour 3 then 5. With the 4th hour conspicuously missing.

That's why I posted links to each when I first chimed in on the thread :-)

Zoetrope said:

I don't remember any W&S or TK incident, but that doesn't surprise me either.   


Tony Kornheiser and Terry Boers look a lot alike.  That can't be a coincidence.  What can you expect from two ugly, insecure and ancient bullies?                 

Andrew N said:

That's why I posted links to each when I first chimed in on the thread :-)

I have been an avid Score listener for years. Although Boers and Bernstein may have said hurtful things about cyclists (I have yet to hear what it was they said), they say mean things about EVERYONE. They are constantly ripping on callers, other sports writers, athletes...the list goes on. They often rip my alma matter, the University of Iowa to shreds, and I often just swallow it until they go on to make fun of Alabama or other sports teams. I know they aren't quite at the "making fun of" level that South Park is, but they aren't far off. After having been a listener for a long time, I can be certain that fighting back at them or writing a letter will just rile them up even worse. I know that was not the course of action with Silvy, but he is a tool, and he is not quite as eccentric as B&B. Now I am not defending B&B, but getting cyclists mad is exactly what they want. They'll just laugh in the face of letters to management and then get even worse on their show. They get letters and angry responses from a whole slew of people and organizations. I'm really sorry to say this, and although I know doing nothing isn't often the solution, but for these fellows it is the best course of action.

I agree totally agree.   AM radio is jock-head wasteland.  Up and down the dial it's nothing but all jock-jocks all the time.   

When I first moved to Chicago I was pretty disappointed in WBEZ 91.5 compared to the public radio experience I was used to in Madison WI.  BEZ wastes at LEAST 5-6 minutes out of every hour blabbering on about sports -sometimes much more when whatever sports champion-bowl is happening of the week.  Every Wednesday morning that Frankey the Foe guy blathers on for 10 minutes twice about some stupid sports issue too.  I finally figured out to simply hit the snooze button on the clock radio to kill that off so he goes away when that pops up.  I hit the snooze button quite a bit when the sports event of the week becomes the main topic of "important discussion" on BEZ.

Really?  Public radio listeners care about Bread & Circus sports that much that they want 5-6 minutes of every hour wasted on point spreads and which team won today?  Half-hour programs dedicated to it every week or so?  I have a hard time believing that. If jock-heads want to listen about sports just go to AM radio to find to these "important sports guys"  on just about every station up and down the dial that isn't Rush Dimbow. 


Duane Waller said:

I'm still laughing over the fact that there is actually a list of Important Sports Radio shows. How the hell is sports talk important?

"and, in sporting news, don't leave your house to day without knowing that......(dramatic pause).....A-rod went 1-4 last night against Kansas City."

Well Matt, if it had been "boy spandex looks funny" than i'd agree ignore and move on but that wasn't what was said. One FB post during that time made me laugh thoigh- something about letting coyotes loose on bikers in the city. Anyway it's alm for nought as apparently am 670 realized whatever was said was harsh enough to not leave evidence. The poscast for the 4th hour has not been out up ending any campaign before it began. So glad Blackheron could chime in before i close the discussion though.


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