Apparently at 4:45 pm on AM 670, The Score, they were sayin some pretty nasty things. I've received a FB post and 3 texts. Sadly i was riding not driving so i couldn't tune in. Will check for a podcast later and report back. But in the mean while did anyone hear it first hand???

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Maybe it was just about more doping in pro cycling, and all the drama that brings

Nah- was streets of Chicago stuff.

You'd think after Tony Kornheiser (nationally) and then Waddle and Silvy (locally) that sports talk radio producers would get the point that such discussion is really Not Cool.

Well Tony's apology consisted of bringing Lance Armstrong on the his show. Woohoo? He doesn't ride in the  street without an entourage. And Waddle & Silvy's apology was so half assed it was ridiculous. So they haven't gotten the point for sure.

Only cause I woulda been able to tune in. ;-)

Oh, totally agreed.  That said, their acknowledgment/half-hearted apologies suggests that either they or their bosses were at least slightly concerned about potential impact on the bottom line.  After I have a chance to hear it and upon confirmation that it's the sort of dreck it sounds like it may well be, I'll write another letter to them and all their sponsors just like I did with W&S.

Amen. I think it's the 4th hour of the show which hasnt posted yet to there site.

I'm thinking it was Boers and Bernstein who were talking shit because of the time you listed, but I'm not sure.  Anyway they are probably the two biggest morons on 670.  They're on air for like 9 hours a day or something ridiculous, so they say anything that pops into their head and they say it with conviction.  One reason to say anything that pops into your head is to get people mad enough to call in, and then they will make fun of you.  Yeah, not exactly high class individuals.

I know it's hard to do sometimes, but don't sweat it -- just ignore them and they'll move onto talking about their love of McDonald's cheeseburgers or something.  One stupid comment about cyclists isn't going to force these clowns off the air, unfortunately.  They cater to their crowd well, I'm sure.    

It was Boers and Bernstein and I haven't listened to them in ages. Yes they love to make fun of the callers or anyone else-  but letters to Mgmt might be heard?

Well ladies and gents - where there is smoke there is fire... the 4th hour won't be posted to the podcast. they posted hour 3 - then the "final" hour - which is the 5pm time slot - perhaps they already have been getting complaints? Really would like to know what was said but one friend said it was pretty rough stuff.

I don't think there's any expectation, or even strong desire, for them to be yanked off the air---personally, I just don't care that much about any sports talk radio.  However, I do like advertisers to know when they're enmeshing their names with those of folks advocating violence against cyclists (as TK and W&S certainly were; we'll have to see what B&B actually said).

I got an email from Performance Bikes saying their ad buy folks would be certain to mention their displeasure to the ESPN 1000 folks after I communicated my concerns following the W&S brouhaha.

Zoetrope said:

I'm thinking it was Boers and Bernstein who were talking shit because of the time you listed, but I'm not sure.  Anyway they are probably the two biggest morons on 670.  They're on air for like 9 hours a day or something ridiculous, so they say anything that pops into their head and they say it with conviction.  One reason to say anything that pops into your head is to get people mad enough to call in, and then they will make fun of you.  Yeah, not exactly high class individuals.

I know it's hard to do sometimes, but don't sweat it -- just ignore them and they'll move onto talking about their love of McDonald's cheeseburgers or something.  One stupid comment about cyclists isn't going to force these clowns off the air, unfortunately.  They cater to their crowd well, I'm sure.    

You're right about that, what with them being the 16th MOST IMPORTANT SPORTS RADIO SHOW IN THE COUNTRY (*according to....  Look at this:  "Both ratings and revenue ranked highly, but the voters (Talkers Magazine employees and industry leaders) also looked at other qualities including courage, effort, impact, recognition, service and talent."  LOL.  I had also never seen a pic of either of them before today either, and wow.  Makes sense...

I don't remember any W&S or TK incident, but that doesn't surprise me either.  Good for you for getting after advertisers about this stuff, can't knock you for that.  Ignoring works for me, though.   


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