Hi all ..
This year may be the last year for me in Chicago ..
I don't want to leave before I bike around Lake Michigan ..
By now ..
I'm thinking of  the weekend 16-19 Aug ..
I'm preparing myself starting from now for this ride , and I'm looking for a company ..
Let me know if anyone is interested .. so we can make a group of passionate cyclists ..
And of course I need your suggestions for places , towns , hostels or route to pass by during this ride ..
Thanks in advance ..

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My advice:

  • Look into warmshowers.org for places to stay
  • Pay attention to topography when planning your days and make accommodations with your mileage - Michigan can be really hilly!
  • Be flexible on your schedule.
  • Don't overtrain.
  • Go on at least two practice mini tours. 
  • Learn to change a flat and other basic bike repairs
  • Pick up county maps along the way in local gas stations - these will have all of the smaller country roads that you'll want to stick to.

The Bee has already replied and stated that August 16-19 is a Start Date and he is not planning on Lake Michigan being a 4-day trip.

A long shot that this will actually be useful to anyone but if anyone is going between Glen Arbor and Leland on M-22 be advised that there is a lot of construction there - when I went through last week it was a 1.5 mile long stretch where it was down to one lane. The surly construction guy on the south end refused to let me ride through and told me to find another route. I didn't feel like doing that so asked if I could walk my bike on the shoulder instead. He made me walk my loaded bike through the tall grass way off the shoulder instead. Lame! But I was in a great mood so didn't care. I really liked riding on 22 south of Glen Arbor and less so north of that. Really nice wide shoulder south of Glen Arbor. The hills outside of Arcadia are no joke! 

It was an eight day trip up to the Leelanau peninsula. Enjoyed some awesome fresh cherries and peaches. Really tough getting campsites at some of the parks. Ludington had the worst sites but was still my favorite state park- great swimming and under-used hiking trails. Rode on a few really nice bike trails: Hart-Montague, TART between Sutton's Bay and Traverse City and 1-2 more I'm forgetting right now. 

Hope everyone else is enjoying their MI riding this summer! 

Ran over a lot of tasty MI roadkill: 

I ran into that ride while on my tour and ended up on the same route as all 300+ of them for 1.5 days! Really nice group of people and great route! 

Mike Fatout said:

I've been thinking about doing a Lake Michigan circle tour ever since riding on the League of Michigan Bicyclists SHORELINE WEST TOUR, several years ago. It was such a great ride. I think I would try to combine a self contained tour with that bike ride. The end of that tour us in Mackinaw City. Wouldn't it be nice to just continue on south through Wisconsin back to Chicago? I may have to get a B.O.B YAK trailer and give it a go.


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