This was posted on my friend's facebook page today.

true story: I'm walking from (store in evanston) to the bank today. so, west on Davis, north on Sherman. I hear from behind me a male voice say "on your right." well, you all know how I feel about anyone older than six riding a bike on a sidew...alk, so I say, "why are you riding a bike on the sidewalk?" And he (a man of about 40, with full tour de france regalia, says "why are you so fat?"

So dude, if you are on this site, you know the laws. You got called out. Big deal. My friend didn't deserve that comment. Besides, my guess is you look nothing like Lance Armstrong. Way to make us look bad, as if we don't get enough bad press.

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Hahahahahaha, come on while rude that's funny. She called him out. He snapped back. He coulda been doing the same thing the guy that got a warning today was doing. Cutting a light using a sidewalk. If she wanted to get even she shouldn't have moved so he go's down! ;-)
Wow, what a stupid retort. Your friend should've totally blocked that grade-schooler in a man's body.

And with regard to passing on the right anytime, you'd better be in a race or a massive ride like Bike The Drive, or be just arriving in the States from England, Australia or the Far East.

The bastard was probably wearing a helmet too, right?

And please don't reinforce his thinking that he's an actual cyclist. He's not; he's an ass on a bike - on the sidewalk.
Then get off your bike and walk the two blocks, especially in a busy business district. I'm guilty of doing the same but would never respond in a rude way like that to a woman.

Gabe said:
Hahahahahaha, come on while rude that's funny. She called him out. He snapped back. He coulda been doing the same thing the guy that got a warning today was doing. Cutting a light using a sidewalk. If she wanted to get even she shouldn't have moved so he go's down! ;-)
The girl played football. She would have taken him out good. She actually challenged him to come back and say it to her face but he raced off like a little weeny.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Wow, what a stupid retort. Your friend should've totally blocked that grade-schooler in a man's body.

And with regard to passing on the right anytime, you'd better be in a race or a massive ride like Bike The Drive, or be just arriving in the States from England, Australia or the Far East.

The bastard was probably wearing a helmet too, right?

And please don't reinforce his thinking that he's an actual cyclist. He's not; he's an ass on a bike - on the sidewalk.
I am guilty of this and more every day I commute to work. My normal commute takes me within a short half block of the bike parking room of my building, but I am on the wrong side of a one-way street. So I slowly creep the wrong way down the one way, and then get on the sidewalk for about 100 feet. I ride slowly the whole time, about the pace of the pedestrians. I've never had an issue. I would never pass someone, I am always super careful not to get in anyone's way.

Am I being a jerk? If so, I'll just get off my bike and walk it. It's not that far.
As I've said, I've done it. But usually with one foot down, more like a scooter. I've had people get upset at me and say something, but I usually just say "sorry, trying to get to the corner to get to the street" or something along those lines. If it's really crowded, I'll walk it. Not worth hitting someone accidentally. Knowing my friend she probably had an attitude but didn't deserve that type of remark.

Will V. said:
I am guilty of this and more every day I commute to work. My normal commute takes me within a short half block of the bike parking room of my building, but I am on the wrong side of a one-way street. So I slowly creep the wrong way down the one way, and then get on the sidewalk for about 100 feet. I ride slowly the whole time, about the pace of the pedestrians. I've never had an issue. I would never pass someone, I am always super careful not to get in anyone's way.

Am I being a jerk? If so, I'll just get off my bike and walk it. It's not that far.
Me too. Like the red light/stop sign thing there are situations where it is perfectly fine and situations where it isn't fine and all sorts of situations in between. Personally I'm fortunate that right now my commute does not have any sections where there is any advantage to riding on the sidewalk until I get to my office. Of course, on the sidewalk one should always defer to peds. In practice, I'll pretty much never ride on the sidewalk if there are any pedestrians present at all. In the rare cases when I do I'm with Angie - just sort of ambling along like a scooter at a walking pace.

As for the OP - that guy was a total jerk.

Angie said:
As I've said, I've done it. But usually with one foot down, more like a scooter. I've had people get upset at me and say something, but I usually just say "sorry, trying to get to the corner to get to the street" or something along those lines. If it's really crowded, I'll walk it. Not worth hitting someone accidentally. Knowing my friend she probably had an attitude but didn't deserve that type of remark.

Will V. said:
I am guilty of this and more every day I commute to work. My normal commute takes me within a short half block of the bike parking room of my building, but I am on the wrong side of a one-way street. So I slowly creep the wrong way down the one way, and then get on the sidewalk for about 100 feet. I ride slowly the whole time, about the pace of the pedestrians. I've never had an issue. I would never pass someone, I am always super careful not to get in anyone's way.

Am I being a jerk? If so, I'll just get off my bike and walk it. It's not that far.


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