Bicyclist dead, motorcyclist injured after Old Irving Park crash

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Another . . . sad to hear. . . +

apparently the police were incorrect, the bicyclist was revived but I'm guessing is still in critical condition. (there is an updated shareline)

I hope & pray that the cyclist fully recovers. And also the motorcyclist.

Forgive me, but. . . .

"apparently the police were incorrect" . . . !

I wonder about the news media outlets in our city. What is the big rush to release a story without your facts fully verified? Ambulance chasing news trucks, hovering million dollar news-choppers. But do they fulfill what is required in journalism?

Journalism requires verification before dissemination. The saying goes from the (Chicago) City News Bureau was, "If your mother tells you she loves you, check it out". I may have been called a "doubting Thomas" in the past when it comes to news coverage quality, but it has really diminished. If you don't have verifiable facts, you don't have a legitimate story (yet).

Also, the proper protocol for notifying the next of kin.

Sad. . . .


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