The Chainlink

The point of the Bicycle Photo Tag is to reproduce a similar photo of an object or place that can be found in many different locations around the world. Much like a scavenger hunt, examples include specific street signs, a railway crossing with train, yourself at a toll booth with reciept, etc.... Get creative

Rules are easy...

1. Find a SIMILAR (ie; Not The Same, Different) tag and reproduce the photo (as best as possible). Take the tag to a new location, get the photo and post it here.
2. Upon posting your new tag, the tagger is responsible for specifying what it is in the photo that must be reproduced. Be specific, but not so specific that no one else will be able to play because we couldn't find another pink school bus.
* Try to place the tags in interesting locations, objects or places that could probably be found in at least the majority of the planet.
3. Tag must be: Common amongst all human habitation. Dirt is ok, but remember most of us are on street bikes. We don't want to exclude those who don't like to get dirty (wimps).
4. The first person to post a found tag gets to place the next tag. If you get a tag, but somebody else posts their picture first, you lose (bruced).
5. One tag at a time within thread. File photos are NOT permitted. You gotta ride to play this game.
6. No whining There are plenty of folks here that will help you understand the rules
7. The holder of the tag determines if the tag has been duplicated and acknowledges it by posting on the thread. (Surrendering the Tag)
8. No Pre-Arranged Tag Handoffs / Linear Tag sequence
9. Last but not least, should the tag be soo ridiculous that no one is able to reproduce it, it can be voted down if a majority of the active participants feel necessary.

Remember, the point of this is not to win the game, or get a better picture than the guy who just "bruced" you, the point is the ride. On that note, if someone tags a post office. Rather than get out and ride a block to my local post office, I might ride an hour or so, out to the historic post office a few neighborhoods over.... Make it interesting.

So the first tag is your bike in front of a house with Xmas lights

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We're all on the same page now... sorry for the minor derailment! heh.

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

Locked in front of a supper market was the last tag. The current tag is a sign of spring.

Ok,  nothing says SPRING like a pair of pink bunny ears on the mailbox decorations.

Good enough?

I was wishing I had a camera with me this morning--got out in front of the house with the bike and there was a big fat robin sitting on the sidewalk!

I'd say yes. What's the next tag?

Ed said:

Good enough?

Ok,  next tag, might be easier for southsiders.

Picture of your bike with a sign that has your year of birth on it. 

My bike with a sign of spring (look through the cup holder):
My bike with a city-supplied rain barrel:

Wait a minute..

a) isn't it "bike with street sign of year of birth?" I was gonna grab that tomorrow (mostly sunny and 59!) and b) If I get that one before the southsiders beat me to it, can we still do rainbarrell? That's a good one. City-supplied or no.  

Yep, I think Ed took the tag.  So now we're looking for bike with street sign of year of birth.  Definitely easier to find those signs on the southside.

Im posting the below as my response to the tag, pending the approval of Ed and the community. Somewhere throughout the week of searching, I convinced myself that the tag was for your birth date, and assumed that a sign with month and day would be acceptable.  Heck, if you guys deny it, then hopefully someone will go out and get the tag to keep this thing moving! (so consider this a long-winded 'bump')

Riding around searching was a ton of fun, I think I spend at least 5-6 hours across the week wandering around searching for this beauty. Finally found it near the Frances Cabrini Homes! Here is the attempted tag: (Sept 25th is the day of my birth) 

What the hay, we stopped having rules somewhere on page 2.

New tag?

T.K. 6.5 mi said:

Im posting the below as my response to the tag, pending the approval of Ed and the community. Somewhere throughout the week of searching, I convinced myself that the tag was for your birth date, and assumed that a sign with month and day would be acceptable.  Heck, if you guys deny it, then hopefully someone will go out and get the tag to keep this thing moving! (so consider this a long-winded 'bump')

Riding around searching was a ton of fun, I think I spend at least 5-6 hours across the week wandering around searching for this beauty. Finally found it near the Frances Cabrini Homes! Here is the attempted tag: (Sept 25th is the day of my birth) 

You got it. 

A memorial, such as the ghost bike for Neill Townsend. (another ghost bike would be superb) This happened about 6 months ago last week, and I think about it most everytime I pass an open door or a semi-truck. 

Game on


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