One of the sad parts about moving from the suburbs where I had a large garage and basement, is that my condo association takes a dim view of using dangerous chemicals and stuff in the deeded parking section of our building.  The result is that all my tools, stands, etc. are at my daughter's home (many miles away) and my old bike (Fiji Suncrest with narrow tires) looks like the clunker it is.  No one would want to steal it, but I do like something that looks and operates nicely.


OK, my question is whether or not there is a place for people like myself who want to disassemble, clean, and reassemble their bikes?

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I do all my work in the living room.  All my own maintenance, all the rebuilds/restores that I sell -everything.  Working on a bike doesn't take up much space at all -nowhere near as much room as storing 3-4 bikes. 


As for chemicals I don't use many of them at all other than simple automotive finish/cleaner/polishes/waxes.  Most of the time I clean with dish soap and water in the kitchen sink or in my large ultrasonic cleaner machine.   On a very rare occasion I'll need to use a shot or two of  carb cleaner out on the deck for some really stubborn grease -or if the part is small enough I'll put it in an old pot and boil it in water on the stove with a bit of vinegar added.  (Make sure to rinse it off and dry it while still hot and re-oil or metal will rust.)  I just don't find much need for any harsher chemicals.


My condo isn't much larger than 1000 square feet and I've got a tiny back underground/basement deck area below the decks of the upstairs neighbors.  Out on the deck I'll sometimes soak parts in a weak Oxalic Acid solution to derust in a 15-gallon rubbermaid tub (covered.)  the condo association has never had a problem with it or asked what it is.


And as Cameron Puetz said there is an open shop at West Town bikes.  I just just do too much work (usually doing something every day) to have to haul a project down there every time I want to work.  My 5' by 8' area in the living room is my man-cave and workshop.  But my wife is angelic in her understanding.  YMMV.



This is why I hate the Condo idea. I have to pay rent (assessments) to pay a mortgage and rules are placed on me to live where I pay.


I'm sure there are advantages but I may as well rent if I'm going to sacrifice all that to sudo-own.


This is why I bought my own home and live under my own rules. So I can store, fix and ride my bike in the garrage or common area if I want to...




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