Just ran across this article and thought I would share it.

Sounds like plans are for quite the 'green' eco-friendly community. I have read of this in other countries. Anyone have actual experience, time spent in such a community?




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I'll have to adjust my opinion of South Carolina (I am a native southerner, so I can trash them). I thought everyone rode their fat-a$$es around on golf carts, no matter what short distance they needed to go. This news is heartening.
Yes, I must admit I was a bit surprised to hear of this in South Carolina...haven't known them to be any sort of biking mecca...

SlyRed said:
I'll have to adjust my opinion of South Carolina (I am a native southerner, so I can trash them). I thought everyone rode their fat-a$$es around on golf carts, no matter what short distance they needed to go. This news is heartening.


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