Best recourse for reporting an incident with a CTA bus driver

I just had an incident with a CTA bus driver who tried to cut me off while turning right into the Harlem blue line station. We also had a brief exchange on the sidewalk where it was clear he could not have cared less if he had flattened me under his wheels. Any thoughts or ideas on reporting this guy to CTA?

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I had a similar incident and used the feedback from on the cta webpage: (I put it in as a feedback about a specific driver and listed the bus route/bus #/time and location)
although for what good it did I am not sure. I got a form email back that they were looking into it but then nothing further.

I sent an email to the customer service address: when a driver of the #36 sideswiped me and I fell on some ice I was avoiding by taking the lane. I got a response that was neither personalized nor terribly meaningful, although I included the time and the bus number.

I had a positive experience using the link posted above to report a positive CTA bus driver encounter. I got an email back that seemed not-form-letter-like thanking me for sharing my experience. My point simply being that I believe these reports are read and reviewed.

Fantastic. Thank you for the insight and tips :)


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