I love Nike+ GPS for tracking my runs and hikes. Very clean interface and super easy to use! I wish Nike would add cycling to the Nike+ GPS app, but until that day comes what are you using and what is the best Cycling App out there? I have an iPhone 4S.

61F and Sunny, went for my first ride of the year this morning. :-)

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map my ride is good and free

 http://endomondo.com/(free and paid)

Cyctastic isn't too bad they also have one dedicated for road cycling called roadbike.


You can't use an iphone app for cycling, you need a bicycle!

As a smart phone illiterate person, one application I can think of is to tape a cue sheet on the phone :p

If you have nothing useful to add, then why not troll somewhere else? :)

Peenworm Grubologist said:

You can't use an iphone app for cycling, you need a bicycle!

Is that what you do?

ilter said:

As a smart phone illiterate person, one application I can think of is to tape a cue sheet on the phone :p

I use Cyclemeter. I love the graphs of elevation change (something EndoMondo doesn't do) and it has all the usual bells & whistles, many more than a normal person would use. Big, easy-to-see numbers. Settings for walking, skiing, motorcycling, etc. $2.99.

....grubologist you are correct...and funny, but to answer the question? Map My Ride
Peenworm Grubologist said:

You can't use an iphone app for cycling, you need a bicycle!

I meant that as a joke (believe it or not).  Wish you did not take it too seriously.

Christian Munoz said:

Is that what you do?

ilter said:

As a smart phone illiterate person, one application I can think of is to tape a cue sheet on the phone :p

So the app will not do the ride for me? LOL ;)

Christian Munoz said:

If you have nothing useful to add, then why not troll somewhere else? :)

Peenworm Grubologist said:

You can't use an iphone app for cycling, you need a bicycle!

I have done some research and this seems to be the best one! Cyclemeter GPS 6



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