I have a few days off coming up, and was thinking about picking a direction and riding for a day or two, camping for 2 nights and coming back. any ideas on a good hiking destination in that range? i should mention mountain bike trails are probably out, given my lack of a mountain bike. appreciate the input.

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Kettle Moraine - Southern Unit - Ice Age Trail (Wisconsin)

Manistee National Forest - North Country Trail (Michigan)

Turkey Run State Park, Indiana

These are all within that range and I have been to all and can say that their is good hiking and camping options. Ice Age and North Country Trails will allow to camp in the backcountry where as Turkey Run would be your typical car camping. But Turkey Run is quite a beautiful gem.

Another option would be to take your bike on Amtrak up to Minneapolis and ride up to Duluth and then you would have access to The Superior Hiking Trail, which is, IMO, the best hiking/camping you'll find in the Midwest. 

a lot of food for thought there, awesome. thanks.

Starved rock?

seems a likely choice.

Mike Zumwalt said:

Starved rock?

right, so anyone have much experience with the i and m canal trail? is it as awesome as it looks on google maps?

I've gone as far as Channahon, where there is a little state park to camp at, and it was a nice trail to there. I here it is consistently good till at least Morris.

You might also want to consider Mississippi Pslisades State Park. There's very nice hiking there, and it's 100 miles from the Elburn Metra stop.


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