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I may or may not have gotten a little drunk last week and stolen a bike from a certain field at a certain intersection... If you had as bike stolen from the dakota/cedar area email me the make, model, color, exact location of theft and your phone number. I would be happy to return the bike and reimburse and damages I may have caused. Thank YouTags:
Hilarious! Also a bit sad. I've done some bad things while drunk, but never as bad as stealing a bike.
In unrelated Craigslist news: this is a pretty great deal and would be sold by now I'm guessing if it wasn't winter: An '89 Prelude for $115! http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/bik/3643934414.html
Haha...at least the person owned up. I have done many jerk things while drunk in my younger days.
That's stand up.
Those vintage Look pedals and the cleats on the shoes are worth the asking price alone.
Tony Adams 6.6 mi said:
Hilarious! Also a bit sad. I've done some bad things while drunk, but never as bad as stealing a bike.
In unrelated Craigslist news: this is a pretty great deal and would be sold by now I'm guessing if it wasn't winter: An '89 Prelude for $115! http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/bik/3643934414.html
I bet this front fender works REALLY well for keeping the water off you -lol
Posted: 2013-03-06, 1:27PM CST
Avoid scams, deal locally! Do NOT wire funds (Western Union, Moneygram). Beware cashier checks, money orders, shipping, non-local buyers/sellers. More info
In the sellers defense I have some serious toe overlap on my Cross Check with fenders and have contemplated cutting them as well. I realize that some of the effectiveness of the fender would be lost but I also bit it while making a slow sharp turn and my ribs hurt for a couple of months.
Well, at least it keeps the yucky water out of the bottom headset bearings (mostly.)
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