Best bike fitters in Chicago area, Velosmith and Element Multisport?

When I did research on this a year or so ago it seemed that Tony at Velosmith and Chris at Element Multisport were the most highly recommended.

I later found out that Tony no longer does the fittings at Velosmith due to having to run the business and they now have a new fitter (named Rachel?). Also came to know that Element is very heavily a Tri based store (makes sense given the store name).

Velosmith fitting price has gone up from $275 to $325 which seems slightly steep for a standard fitting.

Element is $200 for standard fitting, $300 for session with Retul Motion Capture and $350 for the same with 'Master Fitter' (Chris?). Is the Retul Motion Capture worth it?

Does anyone have feedback on the new fitter at Velosmith? How suitable would Element be for a long-distance road bike fitting?

Thanks in advance.

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