Mine are The Bicycle Thief (Ladri di Biciclette), Breaking Away, American Flyer and Rad. Obviously the 80's were the best years for bike movies. Know what, even add skateboard and rollerblade movies to your list as well.

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Are we talking just fiction or documentary too?
Sure documentary too.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Are we talking just fiction or documentary too?
Rad for sure, Breaking Away kicked ass. American flyer was very cool with the dog running after Kevin Costner and his other buddy. I have been chased by dogs at least 200-300 times in the last 20 years. Quicksilver-bike messenger movie with Kevin Bacon. BMX Bandits-not too bad, Rad was better though. Thrashin' was bad ass with the down hill race at the end of the movie. Gleaming the cube was also neat-Tony Hawk, Crishintian Slater did a lot of dangerous sunts. As for the 90's and 00's-New World Disorder and Kranked come to mind since I own both sets. Both contain a lot of North Shore stunt riding in Kamloops, Whistler, and other areas of B.C. in Canada. Red Bull Rampage is also bad ass. I watch alot of these when riding rollers or the trainer and never get bored. Jim
For racers, The Flying Scotsman.

For tourers, kind of, The Middle of the World.
I used to think Gleaming the Cube was a euphemism for guys... like... you know... gleaming their cubes....

I stated this aloud on my first day of my first film class as an undergraduate and when the professor cracked up and high-fived me, I knew it was going to be a great class.
that little kid in bicycle thief was awesome.

Rad blew me away with all its RADness, attempts at lingo of the times, exceptionally poor acting, and the 'corporate sponsorship' throughout
Michelle Green said:
I used to think Gleaming the Cube was a euphemism for guys... like... you know... gleaming their cubes....

"Gleaming the cube"...Is that anything like "polishing the oscar"?
iggi said:
that little kid in bicycle thief was awesome.

Rad blew me away with all its RADness, attempts at lingo of the times, exceptionally poor acting, and the 'corporate sponsorship' throughout

The end of bicycle thief was great. Too bad we can't make bike thieves watch that movie repeatedly ala A Clockwork Orange.

all good as long as they involve bikes !

Flying Scotsman is amazing - Graham Obre was truly mysterious. Bicycling magazine had a great in-depth
article about him several years back. He kind of reminded me of the cycling equivelent of Steve Prefontaine.... kind of

Absolutely love The Triplets of Belleville :D

wow. It took 11 responses?


(I've posted this vid elsewhere on this site, but so what?)

Beijing bicycle.


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