Hi Gang,
I ride an old (80's) 10-speed Raleigh road bike. Last week I hit a pothole pretty hard, and that seemed to bend/dent the rear wheel pretty bad. I'd like to replace the wheel without investing too much money. My question is: are there any used/low-cost options, or do I need to buy new?
Craigslist, Working bikes, Ciclo Urbano?
The first thing I'd do is take it to your nearest Local Bike Shop (LBS) and have them assess it. You don't have to buy anything and they can tell you at a glance whether it is something they might be able to true back up for you easily, or whether you are going to need a another new/used wheel.
They just might have used wheels or be able to hook you up with a budget new wheel that fits your bike right then and there.
There are a lot of variables with wheels from bike to bike and it's a bit much for a layman without some knowledge about bikes to know what is what. There are different wheel (rim) sizes, different hub types, and even different hub widths which will trip up many folks trying to find a wheel on their own.
Mike Zumwalt has some good options listed. Craigslist might trip you up if you don't really know bikes, but both Working Bikes and Ciclo Urbano will be able to help you with a budget wheel that will be less than most (but not all) LBS prices. I'd suggest to stay away from CL unless you know exactly what you want size & type, and know how to spot a bum wheel that might not be much better than what you have now. Nothing wrong with buying and selling parts on Craigslist, I do it all the time. But there is a learning curve with bikes.
Here is a little primer for wheels. There is a ton of info on that site about wheels, and bikes in general.
I forgot to add that if it's just bent with a little flat spot, so to speak, they might be able to "true" it.
I bent mine and was also breaking spokes because the rims were cheap and the entire rim ended up being wobbly so I forked over $200 for a quality rim (which was then swiftly stolen so I bought another but I digress...) if you buy a cheap rim you might have the same problem again and again.
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