Hi Everyone. 

Since the public restrooms on the lakefront trail are closed now can anyone share names of places that are not to far off trail where I can go. Coffee shop or snack shop where I can make a quick purchase and use bathroom? Thank you.

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Good idea thanks.

They don't close them until mid to late October,weather depending. Hours are slightly adjusted.
And I think they put a few porta potties out over Winter.

Hello. Porta potties would be great. I did not see any last fall/winter. Do you know the locations? Thank you.

Hey Joe. Yes, it is an inconvenience that these lakefront facilities close down. Yes, when nature calls you must take time to travel inland and lock up near a food establishment to use their facilities. Yes, ask for their kind permission or go ahead and make a small purchase. Yes, I might personally skip the coffee.

As for the port-a-potties that you occasionally see out there, usually I believe that they are intended for any park district construction workers and are usually not very hygienically acceptable.

Good luck !

If you ride on the south portion of the lake front, there is a spot before 31st st. beach that takes you just inside McCormick Place for some clean warm bathrooms. In the past they have been open year round but locking up a bike is tricky since there is nowhere to secure it by the doorway. If you're riding south, it's a little path to your right just at the end of the MP structure, North it be on you left just as you approach MP. 

Thank you!


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