Calling all dirtbags/vagabonds/racer-wannabes:

Does your Cricket Hill cross practice leaving you wanting more? Would you rather take a nap than pedal around the grass like a confused child? Are you longing to get off the beaten path? Do you want to know what gravel and cross riding is all about? Do you want to hang out with the tent people?

I got you fam.

I present to you the gem of the south, the riverside tent village! Gravel, dirt, urban obstacles, elevation changes. It has everything that makes riding a bicycle completely transcendent.

I've carved out a decent little circuit that hits all the good features with a mix of offroad bike handling and fitness.

Who's in for Hobo Cross? This place might not be here forever, we may as well take advantage while we have it. 

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I am very game if you allow people who have trust issues when it comes to freewheels.

Don't full time fixed gear riders fall under vagabonds?

Fair point. If I'm not working I'm in 110%.

Nice! I'm out of town the rest of this week, but I was thinking of getting something going on Thursdays starting around 5:30-5:45. Next Thursday work for you?

I can make it to the railyard by 5:30. Let's do it.

Next Thursday 5:30pm! Let's scope the lines and see how epic of a course we can set up. 


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