Bad Accident Involving Cyclist in Glenview This Morning

I passed by what looked like a horrific accident at the corner of Glenview Rd. and Wagner at 8:10 this morning. Police/Fire/EMTs already had someone (presumably the cyclist) up on gurney - I couldn't tell what his or her status was.

The bike was a twisted mess; all I could make of it was that it once was a white road bike. It was positioned as if it were on glenview Rd., crossing Wagner, going west on the north side of the street, but given the amount of damage, it may have been dragged/thrown from anywhere within 30 feet of its final location. I couldn't tell what car was involved, or if it was still at the scene. There were a good number of bystanders (witnesses?) there as well.

For those of you that don't know the area, Glenview Road is the ONLY reasonable east-west route through the area. It intersects the North Branch Trail (a huge draw for cyclists, rollerbladers, and pedestrians), and is the only safe route (Golf Rd. to the south, Lake Ave. to the north) to the lakefront and the city from Glenview and the surrounding communities. Despite this, the Village of Glenview seems to only be focused on north-south bike lanes (Shermer) presumably to promote travel to/from/between downtown and The Glen. This road needs bike lanes. I only hope that this poor soul didn't have to pay with his skin for the village to realize this.

I'm sick to my stomach over this - moments earlier I was relishing the idyllic morning weather; perfect for riding in to work, as I'm certain this unfortunate guy/gal was. I couldn't help but wonder if this one of the "regulars" I see every on this stretch of road on my way to and from work. I was consumed by the fact that I didn't wake my wife to say goodbye this morning...

I'll try to get more details as the day goes on and post updates here. If anyone else has news, please do the same.

Please be safe out there.

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I do declare :

"evvver cints kompweters bin invintid, foke R gittin mor 'n morrrr   stoooopider iver yir."

seriously. Just ask Aarron Bussey

Anne Alt said:

+1 Unfortunately, I think a large part of it is a decline in literacy. Texting contributes to the problem. :(

Jeff Schneider said:

there their they're

too two to

pedal peddle

brake break

I don't know if it is spell check, using mobile devices in a hurry, or lack of literacy that causes these words to be misused.  Maybe all three.  But when I see it, it's like fingernails on a chalkboard!

Wow!  Did we derail this thread or what?  I know--I contributed.

NIU isn't very far away.

Candidate for a Pullet Surprise.

I'm wondering if all cyclist come together & have a meeting to organize a protest something ready big to get live news & reports there. Just like when our last Gov. Went to jail. I do believe that we can get this doing if we work all as one force. As a L.C.I. I find this sad that this was started in 2009 & left at that! We need to take control . It's we the people which our fore father's fought for. If we demonstrate with more L.C.I.'s & bike advocates, organizations rep's this will work.
Peace be safe out there!
I'm not sure what an L.C.I. is, but I can say that the Village President and Trustees of Glenview have been very good about responding to my emails regarding this incident and the need for bike lanes along Glenview Rd.

Plans have been in place since 2007 to improve Glenview Rd. for bike traffic (along with other corridors), however economic conditions forced the village to put things on hold.

Improvements are now picking up where they left off, although not as quickly as many if us would like. The reality is that there are finite resources available, and the best we can do is to make certain our representatives know which projects are our highest priority.

Hope Bill is continuing to improve.  It is good to hear that there is a suburb that is focusing on making conditions more bike friendly.  As a person who likes to take longer rides for recreation, I would like to have a place like Glenview for a destination, and I would be happy to spend some money there while I visit.

League Certified Instructor from League Of American Bicyclist

Andy J (9.2 miles) said:
I'm not sure what an L.C.I. is, but I can say that the Village President and Trustees of Glenview have been very good about responding to my emails regarding this incident and the need for bike lanes along Glenview Rd.

Plans have been in place since 2007 to improve Glenview Rd. for bike traffic (along with other corridors), however economic conditions forced the village to put things on hold.

Improvements are now picking up where they left off, although not as quickly as many if us would like. The reality is that there are finite resources available, and the best we can do is to make certain our representatives know which projects are our highest priority.
I actually just moved down Glenview Road from Northwest Evanston to near downtown Glenview. I have every intention of getting involved in Glenview as a volunteer lobbyist regarding these active transportation issues.

If anyone has any suggestions, comments, or questions feel free to email me: 312-239-6787.

Andy J (9.2 miles) said:
I'm not sure what an L.C.I. is, but I can say that the Village President and Trustees of Glenview have been very good about responding to my emails regarding this incident and the need for bike lanes along Glenview Rd.

Plans have been in place since 2007 to improve Glenview Rd. for bike traffic (along with other corridors), however economic conditions forced the village to put things on hold.

Improvements are now picking up where they left off, although not as quickly as many if us would like. The reality is that there are finite resources available, and the best we can do is to make certain our representatives know which projects are our highest priority.
Thanks -Mike. I'll e-mail e-Mails what's yours ?

Mike Keating said:
I actually just moved down Glenview Road from Northwest Evanston to near downtown Glenview. I have every intention of getting involved in Glenview as a volunteer lobbyist regarding these active transportation issues.

If anyone has any suggestions, comments, or questions feel free to email me: 312-239-6787.

Andy J (9.2 miles) said:
I'm not sure what an L.C.I. is, but I can say that the Village President and Trustees of Glenview have been very good about responding to my emails regarding this incident and the need for bike lanes along Glenview Rd.

Plans have been in place since 2007 to improve Glenview Rd. for bike traffic (along with other corridors), however economic conditions forced the village to put things on hold.

Improvements are now picking up where they left off, although not as quickly as many if us would like. The reality is that there are finite resources available, and the best we can do is to make certain our representatives know which projects are our highest priority.

Hi Mike - Welcome to the village.

I'm just up the road from you (Tall Trees) and would be interested in helping with your lobbying efforts in Glenview. Please feel free to PM me if I can be of service.

Mike Keating said:

I actually just moved down Glenview Road from Northwest Evanston to near downtown Glenview. I have every intention of getting involved in Glenview as a volunteer lobbyist regarding these active transportation issues.

If anyone has any suggestions, comments, or questions feel free to email me: 312-239-6787.

Andy J (9.2 miles) said:
I'm not sure what an L.C.I. is, but I can say that the Village President and Trustees of Glenview have been very good about responding to my emails regarding this incident and the need for bike lanes along Glenview Rd.

Plans have been in place since 2007 to improve Glenview Rd. for bike traffic (along with other corridors), however economic conditions forced the village to put things on hold.

Improvements are now picking up where they left off, although not as quickly as many if us would like. The reality is that there are finite resources available, and the best we can do is to make certain our representatives know which projects are our highest priority.
Sorry. Was obviously distracted while typing. KLO number is 312-239-6787. Email is Thanks.

Riding that same road west-bound and had a woman in a Saturn honk her horn and then yell that I don't belong on the road.  Real nice lady, well not really a lady with that insane attitude.  This is the second time I've had someone buzz me on this road. From now on I'm going to be riding the sidewalk.


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