Who do you think will win? We've got all these great submissions, it's really tough to choose!

the old thread, for reference


Dubi Kaufmann #1:

Rodimus Prime:


Ross Felten:




Dubi Kaufmann #2:


Views: 151

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Ryan, totally.
My vote is for Dubi #2, even tho there are a few I definitely like.
Well you forgot my second entry...


Rodimus....it looks the best thumnail sized.
my vote goes to on2wheels. i just love the colors and simplicity

and that's a bummer h3, i would have seriously lol'd if yours won!
Don't worry, we're putting together the contest and actual voting. Just sit tight! Thanks!
You don't have to be in control of every little tiny detail of this forum, you know. Just sit back, relax, and let us have our fun! Thanks!
What is your problem with little authority or perhaps a little order to the chaos a forum can be, I mean you are just dying to oppose everything anyone has to say...Just relax, enjoy the forum for what it really is and let the mods/owner do their thing keeping it civilized...


root said:
You don't have to be in control of every little tiny detail of this forum, you know. Just sit back, relax, and let us have our fun! Thanks!
i just thought that this was going to be a good thread, and now it's sorta squashed :P
this thread is now officially about predicting who might win! no harm in that right?
i think rod's looks nice. . . *cough cough*
Hey now...No voting for yourself...


RodimusPrime said:
i think rod's looks nice. . . *cough cough*


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