ATA: Compliance with Must Stop for Pedestrians law very low in Chicagoland

The results of this survey are not too surprising.  Just last night a family crossing Lincoln Ave. in a zebra crosswalk was surprised and thanked me when I stopped my bicycle to wait for them.  They didn't know that I was required by law to do so.

This must be the second most ignored traffic law (after speed limits).

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Hope springs eternal. 

Jim Reho said:

I have to disagree.  Toni Preckwinkle would destroy Rahm if she ran, machine or not.  Karen Lewis will give him a run for his money too, if she decides to go for it.  
Self-sealing Stembolt said:

How long have you lived in this city Jeff?

The mayor isn't "elected' -the machine picks him.  The "election" is a mere formality. Rahm is still the machine's picked boy.  Until he isn't, he's the mayor for life if he wants to be.  That's how things work here. 


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