• Friday, June 5, 2015  5:30 PM

  • Bring your favorite fun bike and we'll do a craft beer ride through Anchorage starting and ending at the Russian Jack chalet.

    We will first head toward Resurrection Brewery in Mountain View, hit up a couple other breweries as we make our way through town, over to the south side for either King Street or Anchorage Brewing then Midnight Sun. 

    Whatever brewery we missed on this ride, we'll be sure to tap on Brewvet #2, coming not soon enough.

    Please drink and ride responsibly....

    Let me know if you might be in Anchorage June 5. This will be a fun ride around town, probably 30+ mile loop. I'm pretty sure we can find "fun bikes" to ride, if anyone doesn't want to bring their own. 

    If this date doesn't work, there will be more. 



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