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Any EPL followers?

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I like Ginger's Ale House a lot. It's sometimes almost always too much of a drag to ride up early on a Saturday from Hyde Park to see a game, but if there's a big Champions League match or something like that I'll head up on a weekday afternoon.

Hyde Park really, really needs a soccer bar. I have a flatscreen and subscriptions to GolTV and Fox Soccer, though, so if there's any interest and the idea doesn't drive Mrs. Doom crazy I might be able to host some get togethers.

As to the actual topic, whoever's playing Manchester United is my favorite EPL team but I like Chelsea lots. Someone should start a band called Didier Drogba's Hair.
Booo! I'm a West Ham fan. Stick your blue flag up ur arse;)
Yeah, the 6:45 kickoffs are tough, and my ride from Logan is significantly shorter than yours. It is a great cure for a hangover though, if you happen to overindulge on a Friday.

Dr. Doom said:
I like Ginger's Ale House a lot. It's sometimes almost always too much of a drag to ride up early on a Saturday from Hyde Park to see a game, but if there's a big Champions League match or something like that I'll head up on a weekday afternoon.

Hyde Park really, really needs a soccer bar. I have a flatscreen and subscriptions to GolTV and Fox Soccer, though, so if there's any interest and the idea doesn't drive Mrs. Doom crazy I might be able to host some get togethers.

As to the actual topic, whoever's playing Manchester United is my favorite EPL team but I like Chelsea lots. Someone should start a band called Didier Drogba's Hair.
The Globe is a great soccer bar.
It really is. The crowd there is pretty intense and I figure they have to have at least 90 screens.
or for a somewhat less intense experience, you could try Fado's downtown. they show the EPL games.

Dr. Doom said:
It really is. The crowd there is pretty intense and I figure they have to have at least 90 screens.
If anyone here either plays soccer, or wants to play, there is a great meetup group that plays on the north side virtually everyday of the week, year round. I play at least once a week with them. It is very well organized and has over 1,000 members. Games are cheap, usually $2 for 2 hours or so of play. Indoor costs a bit more but is still cheap. The group is called SC Chicago. I'll be there tomorrow. Check it out.
An old friend of mine has been a Chelsea fan since his boyhood in London. I sent him an email on Sunday blessing him and Chelsea FC for beating Man U. I am a Liverpool fan and I also cheer for anyone playing Man U.



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