It would be nice to partake in some quality
discourse with like minded beings regarding
big blue.

Any EPL followers?

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Yes! but i have been a bad fan these last few seasons.
i'm a man city fan. i know, i know...
at least your not a man united fan!

jason tinkey said:
i'm a man city fan. i know, i know...
Yeah. Anything MU sucks like soggy flakes
in 3 day old mammal milk....Nothing but posers
and unwanted humans.

MC is currently 4th in the standings,but
robinho is playing like he lost his gonads....please
find your gonads,robinho ,and make brazil proud


jen said:
at least your not a man united fan!

jason tinkey said:
i'm a man city fan. i know, i know...

I watch the EPL but don't have any favorites except for maybe liverpool or newcastle (when they aren't relegated). I do root against man u on general principles. Where do people watch games? I know has epl and football games from a lot of the big leagues in europe.

when I dont have to work and feel like getting up early I used to catch games over at small bar on division

S said:

I watch the EPL but don't have any favorites except for maybe liverpool or newcastle (when they aren't relegated). I do root against man u on general principles. Where do people watch games? I know has epl and football games from a lot of the big leagues in europe.

jen said:
when I dont have to work and feel like getting up early I used to catch games over at small bar on division

Do they still have both arsenal and chelsea kits on the walls?

Espn televises
games every Sat morning.
They struck a deal with FSC to
televise certain epl games

you can also catch games via the net
on sopcast , and

Im not a drinker,so pubs are no the
ideal spot for me to catch a footer
Nae, i'm a Tim.
Im not a drinker either but small bar serves some damn good breakfest!

ishnock aka the blue baron said:
Espn televises
games every Sat morning.
They struck a deal with FSC to
televise certain epl games

you can also catch games via the net
on sopcast , and

Im not a drinker,so pubs are no the
ideal spot for me to catch a footer
I like Newcastle too, in fact I was mad when I picked up FIFA 10 and Newcastle was relegated!

S said:

I watch the EPL but don't have any favorites except for maybe liverpool or newcastle (when they aren't relegated). I do root against man u on general principles. Where do people watch games? I know has epl and football games from a lot of the big leagues in europe.

Liverpool is the obsession. I usually, almost always, watch the matches at Ginger's Ale House, been going there for past six years or so, watching from home just isn't the same. Tough year this year.


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